Chapter Two - Bloody Snow

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As I had stated before, high school was sort of a joke for me. While it was a mental bore by this point, it was also a chore like being sentenced to an eternity of washing dishes. As I also stated previously, kids were the same it was just a different pair of clothes and hair cuts but the same drama.

Life was cliché for high school students. There was that popular girl in school, that popular guy, their story of the on and off again love affair. There were the kids who were going places after high school but for now were stuck in the role of the nerds or the dorks. And of course, there was everyone else.

It was a bore. It was a joke for me. I was so tired of these same stories. It was like watching reruns of the same sitcom over and over again. I lay low, kept my mouth shut, and stayed out of the way. After I left, nobody would even remember me. The friends I would make could easily replace the half hearted friendship within a matter of weeks.

It was as routine as changing my clothes in the morning. And I did just that. I woke that morning and put on my daily attire. Anymore I would just wear jeans and a t-shirt. I normally would pull my hair back and walk with my head down. This strategically planned out style made me look just like everyone else... literally.

I shuffled through the crowd. They had only avoided my head for a couple of months now so I was really just a blur to anyone who might know my name. I managed to duck under the radar all the way to my first period which was a class full of 47 kids in what they called the "English Hall". I say it like that only because it was epically known for being an abyss of lost minds and semi-pornographic, in-class make-out sessions.

I sat in the back so I could vouch for all of these things. Once I found my seat I started to pull my things out from my bag. Shakespeare I had read a million times. It was good the first few hundred times but after that it was this mindless droning. You can only imagine two people dying in the name of love over and over again before your bitter ways set in.

As one would imagine, I was not big on the romance. I was a loner and had been since forever. My condition didn't exactly warrant for a lot of deep romances and tales of epic love. Instead I avoided the topic completely. Years ago it had been an issue for me as a twenty and thirty year old in love with men who looked like they could be my fathers. I traumatized myself with the notions it could be normal; to live a normal life romantically. I burned the ideas quickly and withdrew myself from the emotion almost entirely.

Once my high school appearance began to set in, however, the boys that were now attracted to me now were so young they could have been my great grand children. The concept then made me feel ill and while I was already under the government eye, I didn't need a reason to be locked up for eternity. This was another reason I kept my head down and didn't warrant for special attention, male and female peers alike.

My stomach still hurt from the shots. I leaned forward to pace my notebook onto my desk and felt a jolt of pain from that spot all the way down my arm. There was no way that was normal.

Looking around now, my vision was getting a little blurry. Nothing serious that a good few head shakes couldn't fix but there was definitely something wrong. I watched the classroom begin to fill up now and they were drawing closer and closer.

"Pull yourself together, Pandora." I said to myself shaking off whatever it was that had just happened. I looked to see my row was filling up unusually fast with faces which were normally spread out along the front row.

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