Chapter Sixteen - Into The Blue

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Chapter Sixteen – Into The Blue

Liam, Ethan and I were running through the snow like soldiers in a battle field. We kept our eyes pealed as bombs were touching down everywhere, and mines were exploding at our feet. The most memorable and odd part about the entire situation was that the snow was coming down like Christmas with every hit.

“Pandora, watch out!” Liam screamed as he pushed me aside. I nearly hit a land mine which went off only moments after dodging it. The much larger explosions in the hills were creating spoke and fire as if burning the very snow. The Alaskan terrain had never seen such hostile environments.

We ran until we hit a cliff. The entire way down was a 90 degree angle and nothing but sharp rocks and ice daggers. Any dumb attempt to try and climb down would have provided a much more agonizing death than taking some gun powder. My heart was racing as I looked into the eyes of the two men who seemed to care about me more than anyone ever had in my 95 years here on Earth.

The bombs were drawing closer as a frantic, panicked look spread across their face. There was no magic here now. There was no way mind over matter could get us out of this. We were just scared individuals waiting for them to come for us now.

“What should we do?” Liam asked as he turned at the sound of a bomb hitting the cabin. Wood flew so high into the air we could even see it in the dark night.

The stars were so beautiful. They were like diamonds.

“Don’t freak out on me now, there is always a way out of this.”

He was trying to make something happen. He was trying to find a way to take us away from here and save us but their eyes only signified to me that hope must have been completely gone now.

“You know that Indie song you would hum as you ran my scans?”

It was getting so close that the snow was starting to hit us now. Liam turned to me, confusion spread across his face.

“What are you talking about?”

“There was a song you would sing, every single time you rand my body scans. I found it online and downloaded it. Before this all started I would listen to it over and over again for hours at night. That man was so sad.”

Closer it came now.

“Pandora, what are you saying?” Ethan shouted. I didn’t break eye contact with Liam.

“You don’t have to be sad anymore, Liam. I don’t want you to be sad anymore.”

From below, a blue cloud, glowing like the sun through the clouds on a rainy day, started to appear just feet below us. It was a safety net made only for two.

Ethan and Liam looked at one another. They could see the pain in my teary smile as I then pushed them, chest first, into the cloud. They didn’t fall they just… disappeared. And they were safe.

As I turned to face another explosion, surrounded by fire, I realized that this didn’t burn. It was just supposed to happen. I embraced it. I was ready to die.

Or at least I thought I was going to die.

My body was falling. I was surrounded by white. It was a completely white room and seemed never ending. Of course heaven would be white, right? And there was no more pain, no more grief, right? Wrong.

My ass hit the ground and it hit hard. I don’t think anything had ever hurt quite so much in my life. I shouted out but no sounds came. I simply could roll over and rub my wounded rump.

Looking around, I was able to stand. I was not in white robes, no halo and no wings? What kind of rip off was this? I should have figured I would get a discounted version of paradise.

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