Chapter Fifteen - Footprints

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 A/N: Another big thanks to all of you who are supporting my story. I apologize it took a while to get this chapter out and there really aren't any excuses :P Hope you like the next chapter!

Chapter Fifteen – Footprints

My side hurt a lot. Before I was even able to open my eyes I could feel it. It was surging throughout my body like lightning and it only seemed to get worse with every bit of consciousness that came to me. I also knew I was cold. Not “Alaska” cold but fever cold. I felt sick like I was fighting off the worst flu to ever hit a human body. It was making my joints ache.

Finally, my eyelids which had felt so heavy before were now starting to pry open. There was a dim glow from what seemed to be a fireplace to my left and the sound of howling winds outside to my right. It was very dark and blurry at first but slowly my vision started to clear.

Looking down, I was covered in thick blankets. There was a table next to the bed I was resting on with some medical supplies from one of the P. P. A. vehicle first aid kits. The darkness in the rest of the room only allowed me to make out a small kitchen, the makings of a living room area and a front door with two, small windows. The windows exposed the night outside as the moonlight let the white snow covered mountains to expose themselves.

Liam and Ethan were both gone. I didn’t know if there were any other rooms in this odd cabin but they couldn’t have been far. It was then the front door opened and both men walked in carrying something rather large.

“Now hoist it up onto the table.” Ethan’s voice said as the giant thing was shoved onto an old wooden table. Liam let out a loud grunt as they placed it steadily onto the table.

“Who do you expect to skin this thing?” Liam asked as the men shut the door and then began to remove their outerwear. Ethan laughed.

“I’ll do it. You should go check on Pandora.”

“Don’t you tell me what to do! I don’t think I even trust you around our food!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ethan asked throwing his gloves down. Both Ethan and Liam were about the same height and with similar builds and now directly in each other’s faces.

“Hey guys… settle down. I can taste the testosterone in the air from here.” My voice was hoarse when I talked. It made me sound like I was an old smoker and it even hurt my lungs a bit. Both guys stopped at the sound of my voice and rushed over.

“Pandora!” Ethan exclaimed as he pushed the hair from my face back and moved to my left. Liam was at my right pulling out some medical supplies to check my vitals.

“How long have I been out?” I asked. I tried to sit up but both of them stopped me.

“Don’t strain yourself. You have been out for about a week now.”

“A week?!” I shouted and then began to cough. Ethan handed me some water as Liam felt my head. I had cold sweat running down my face, “Where are we?”

Ethan stood up and took off his coat and then lit a lantern to expose the dark corner of my side of the room. There were some old cans and odd paintings as well as a rather large supply of guns and ammo.

“It’s an abandoned cabin we found deep into the mountains. There are P. P. A. agents scanning the mountains like wildfire as well as sightings from those strange robots.” Ethan replied.

“It seems that both parties are working overtime to try and find us.”

I managed to get into a sitting position but it only made the pain worse. Liam handed me two pills and the cup of water which I took without question.

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