Chapter Nine - Call Me Icee

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Chapter Nine - Call Me Icee

Last night I started to feel dizzy again and so Liam took me down to my room and helped me collapse onto my bed. The last thing I could remember was that he was sitting in one of those chairs making sure nothing happened to me.

When I fell asleep, I surprisingly didn't have any dreams. It was just all black. My slumber was empty. It was always strange when I didn't have it and so unfamiliar. Like new territory. When I woke up I had seen that Liam was asleep in the chair next to me. I guess everyone knew to leave us alone. It was really beginning to feel like it was me and Liam against everyone.

This entire situation was making me take a step back to see that maybe I was just the kid they were all making me out to be. While I had aged all these years I was also kept in this child/teenage box where my world was never able to be explored. I didn't have to get a job or take on real responsibilities. I never had relationships.

I was smart, I could brag about that. I could have schooled anyone on most medical procedures and reenacted Shakespeare like a professional actor line for line. But in terms of real life, real experiences I suppose I was simply the most well educated observer. I could tell you how a situation would turn out but it was quickly becoming obvious that when not put into a controlled situation I felt lost.

Poor Liam had to watch me break down in front of a hallucination yesterday when he was the one stuck in the middle of Ice-Cube nowhere with the man who took his woman. The alien that took his woman. God the idea was so stupid!

Upset, I threw the covers from me and stood up. It was pretty warm in the room but the floor was still freezing. I guess Liam took off my boots so I wouldn't get ice all over my sheets. It was still very dark and I was trying to be quiet but unfortunately in the dark, the bedpost was just waiting for my toe.

"Son of a...!"

Liam shot up from the chair quickly at my shouts. Sadly for him he had not gained his balance back and fell into the chair and then into the wall. The lights turned on by themselves so I was able to watch him scramble to his feet and gather himself.

I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help myself.

"S-sorry, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in here. Are you ok? Was that shouting?"

His glasses were on crooked and on upside down.

"Just a toe stub. Are you ok?"

He laughed. In that moment we were distracted by a light surrounding the heavy black curtain on my window. We looked back and fourth at one another for a moment before nearing it. The light was traveling from one corner of the black square that was the window to the other and then rotating back around. It was a light blue hue a lot like the kind which surrounded my hallucination last night.

I reached out and pulled the fabric back. At first, our eyes were blinded by how bright the light actually was. Then, after a moment of trying to adjust we managed to push through to see that the light was coming from a mountain off in the distance. And then, as soon as it had come it managed to dim and then disappear completely.

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