The File

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Phil Coulson

I was in my office looking through Fury's Toolbox. As I looked through the Index something caught my attention, a file with a red incomplete bar on it. "That's strange," I thought. The file wasn't complete. No file should be incomplete, but here one was. It looked at the label, it read Percy Jackson. I look at the lenght of the file. One page! That's tiny we have stacks of papers on every person on earth, but this kid here has only one page. Here's all the info about him.
Name: Perseus Jackson
Birthday: August 18th, Year: Unknown Relations: Mom- Sally Jackson-Blofis, Status- Alive
Father- Unknown lost at sea, Status- Unknown
Step-Dad- Gabe Ugliano, Status- Deceased
Step-Dad- Paul Blofis, Status- Alive
Residency: Manhattan, New York, NY

Kicked out of every school he's been in for strange reasons (ex. Blowing up school bus with cannon, fire in school, dropping class into shark tank at aquarium, etc.)

Goes to a mysterious summer camp every summer. Every summer for the past 6 year has been seen around the country with three or more other people with baseball bats and hockey sticks. Responsible for the St. Louis Arch explosion six years ago, Mt. St. Helen explosion three years ago, and many more destructions around the USA, Italy, and Greece.

Power: Unknown- Considered possible terrorist and threat to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Should be detained and questioned as soon as possible.

I looked at the picture on the file, it showed a twelve year old boy with sea green eyes, and wild black hair. He had a bead cord neaklace and an orange tee-shirt on with a picture of a Pegasus on the front, and unfamiliar words written around it.

"Everyone get to the Bus!" I called walking down the hallway passing the labs, where Fitz and Simmons are. They looked out at me, I waved for them to come out.

"What's going on sir?" Simmons asks.

"We need to hunt down a powered person for questioning," I reply as we reach the hanger where the Bus is parked. Inside Agents May, Skye, Hunter, Mack, and Morse sit at the conference table.

"What are we doing Coulson?" May asks.

"I found an incomplete file in the Index," I state pulling out the file and handing it around. "Our mission is to capture this 0-8-4 and bring him in to questioning, so Icers only."

"He's only a kid!" Simmons exclaims, "Why are we capturing him?"

"He's a threat," I say ending the conversation.

"Where are we going?" questions Skye.

"One of my least favorite places, New York City," I answer. The place I died. Agent May pilots the plane while I assign jobs.

"Skye, try to find where this guy lives," I command. "Bobbie, Mack, and May if this guy puts up a fight, take him down, but no killing. If you use guns Icers only."

"Fitz and Simmons, once we find out who this guy is, we need you to find a way to detain or inhabit his powers."

"Coulson, do you think he's like me?" Skye asks.

"Honestly, I don't know," I reply.

"And if he is, what do we do?"

"I don't know Skye, I'm sorry."
I walk out of the conference room, and into the cockpit. "What's our ETA right now May?" I ask.

"Twenty to thirty minutes," she replies. I leave, and go to the lab, where Fitz and Simmons are thinking.
"How's everything going?" I question.
"Great sir. Fitz and I agree that if you can get a DNA sample it would be much appreciated. For we would be able to find a way to stop it easier," Simmons answers.

"Oh and I was wondering if we should use the Dwarfs to investigate beforehand," Fitz stutters.

"That's a great idea," I exclaim, "and could you also have the Dwarfs do a facial recognition scan for this person." Fitz takes the picture I got from the file.

"Sure thing sir," he replies.

"Ten minutes to landing," May's voice announces over the loud speaker. I leave the lab and head over to the garage entrance. The rest of the team is putting on gear. Bulletproof vests, guns in every pocket or waist band, and other assorted items. Bobbie had her batons, Skye had her computer, and Fitz had the Dwarfs briefcase.

"OK team, we're landing across the Hudson River in New Jersey. Bobbie and Mack will search the Midtown, May and I will search the Upper West Side, Hunter and Fitz will search Upper Manhattan, Skye and Simmons will search Upper East Side, and the Dwarfs will search SoHo, Hell's Kitchen, and Harlem. Keep COMs on at all times," I order, "Any questions?"
"Yeah, just one," Hunter says asking the question everyone wanted the answer to, "Why are we going after this guy?"

"Because he's on the Index, and we have no idea who or what he is," I state.

"Ok, let's go," Hunter says excitedly.

"Does everyone have Icers?" I ask.

"Yes," Everyone replies.

"Wait sir, if this guy is a dangerous threat to S.H.I.E.L.D, then why don't we kill him?"

"Because he's not a definite threat to S.H.I.E.L.D. yet, only a possible threat," I reply.

"Landing," May exclaims over COMs.

"Remember, this is a search and detaining mission. Get in and out as fast as possible. Good Luck," I shout as Bus lands, and we split.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now