Indexing Percy

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Daisy "Skye" Johnson

"OK, how old are you?" I ask.

"17," Percy replies, his face an emotionless mask. I typed that into the tablet I had.

"Where do you go to school?" I question looking at the list Coulson gave me.

"Midtown High," he replies. I though about that, didn't Coulson use to be the principal there? That went into the file.

"Who are your parents?"

"Sally Jackson is my mom, my step-dad is Paul Blofis, and my real dad was lost at sea, or so I'm told," Percy answers. Something about that response was strange, maybe it was the way he said "or so I'm told." Yeah, probably that, I typed that in.

"Do you have any medical conditions?"

"Yes, ADHD and Dyslexia," he says, and I notice he's been fidgeting and tapping his fingers on the table.

"Why are you on the Index?"

"Just two questions," Percy says holding up his hands, "What's the Index? And how should I know if I don't know what the Index is?

"Well," I started, not quite sure how to continue without telling too much,

"The Index is a collection of files on dangerous or powerful people, all the Avengers are on it."

"Ok," Percy says slowly, "You think I'm a dangerous powered person. That's a first, but sadly I'm not. I'm just a normal person who's trying to get into a good collage, and live his life to the fullest with his awesome girlfriend. So can you please let me go?"

"I'm sorry, but first we need to know that you're not a threat, so Agent Simmons will give you a check-up."

"A check-up, what am I 6?" Percy says sarcastically. Then his smile faded when he saw I was serious.

"Follow me," I beckon as I lead him to the lab where Fitz and Simmons are.

"This is the lab, Simmons is just inside," I tell him as I open the door.

"Simmons, Coulson wants you to check on Percy here."

"Ok Skye," Simmons responds, "Hullo, I'm Jenna Simmons," she says in a British accent while extending her hand. Percy grabs her hand and shakes it. "Ok, I'll need to test your heart rate, blood pressure, reflexes, and take a blood sample," she explains while seating him.

"OK," he nods. Simmons grabbed a stethoscope from the counter and walked over to Percy.

"I need you to take off your shirt," Simmons asks.


"Please," she begs.

"No, unless everyone leaves the room, and it's secure," Percy reasons.

"Fine," Simmons says as she starts to walk around shooing people out. "Ok, all done," she says when everyone's gone except me.

"Skye's still in here, but I guess you need someone to restrain me if j try to escape," Percy says as he starts to take off his shirt.

"Whoa," Simmons and I say when we see his back. "Where'd you get all that?"

"From fighting, and saving the world," he responded. Odd response, I've never heard, or seen him before. So how could he save the world, without us knowing.

"Ok," Simmons says as calm as ever as she checks his heart beat. Next, she grabs the blood pressure sleeve, and puts it around Percy's bicep. Finally, Jemma gets the hammer.

"OK, I'm going to test your reflexes," she explains.

"Um, you might want to move to the side, out of kicking range, " Percy asks.

"No, I'll be fine, no one kicks that hard." Simmons walked over to his knee and hit it with the hammer.

Percy's leg flew up and whacked Jemma in the square of the gut. Simmons flew up and land against the wall gasping for air.

"OMG I'm so sorry!" Percy shouts as he runs towards Simmons. He elevates her hands, so she can breathe easier.

"It's ok, you warned me, I should have listened," Simmons wheezed.

"OK, Percy you're going back to the cell, so Simmons can recover," I say taking charge. Percy gets up and follows me back to the cell, I lock him in and hand Coulson my report.

"Percy is in peak physical condition, you should probably go on and do a fighting test," I tell him, "He goes to Midtown High, do you know him?"

"Hmm, I was usually pretty busy with Spiderman and his gang there. But I think I remember this one kid who always seemed like he got detention. His name was I think Percy Jackson," Coulson thought out loud. "Yes, you can do the fighting."

I walk back to the cell where Percy is to find him, gone! What, I locked the cell? I hear fighting going on down the hall, I run towards it and see Percy fighting about twenty men. In his hand is a pen, no wait a sword, no a pen. Soon he shoves the pen into his pocket and pulls out a dagger. He's obviously been trained to fight because his skills are better than mine. He slices and stabs, never making the hit deadly or barely noticeable.

After all the guards where down Percy fled down the hall, I ran after him. I chase him through the hall trying to get a good shot with my Icer.
We run through the base weaving in and out of rooms and guards. Soon, we have a whole crowd of guards chasing Percy. I finally hit him and he staggers down the hall, he looks at me and mouths "what did you do?" before passing out.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now