Fight and Introduction

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Steve Rodgers

Percy and Natasha circle each other, each daring the other to move.  Natasha moves first, she pulls out her guns and starts shooting Percy.  He somehow dodges all the bullets, and starts running away.

Iron Patriot, Falcon, and Iron Man land in front of him as I threw my shield at Percy.  He saw it coming, jumped up, flipped over it and kept running.  The shield flew and hit Sam in the chest.  He flew backward and hit the side of a building with a crunch.

I saw Hawkeye notch his bow, I really hope that's a tranquilizer arrow.  The arrow goes flying towards Percy, he turns and looks at it.  Then suddenly he steps to the side and grabs the arrow out of the air.  He turns around and throws it back, it hits Natasha and she's out.  He does the same to Clint when he shoots one again.

Iron Patriot and Iron Man land on either side of him.  They fly at each other trying to sandwich Percy.  Percy sees them coming, he jumps up at the last second letting them crash into each other.

Right now it's only Wanda, Vision, and I left.  Vision charged flying towards Percy, he turns, and seems confused by Visions looks.  I go on the other side of Percy, ready to catch him.  But at the last second he jumps to the side causing Vision to be coming towards me.  I quickly roll out of the way as Vision crashes into a brick building and tons of bricks fall on him.

I lung at Percy but he easily side steps.  Who is this kid?  I see Wanda sneaking up to hex him, normally I would be against it, but this is for emergencies, like when one kid can beat almost all the Avengers.  I try to keep the kid's attention on me.

I run at the kid, then right before him stop and sweep his legs out from underneath him.  He rolls back and stands up.   I go to punch him, but he grabs my fist and uses my momentum against me.  He pulls my fist towards him, I stumble and fall, but get back up determined to distract him.

Over Percy's shoulder I see Wanda getting closer her eyes turn reddish.  I charge at Percy, then abruptly stop and tackle him.  I pin him to the ground, which was not easy, since he was squirming and wiggling around, trying to get free.

Wanda came up and hexed him, as he said, "Why is it always me?"  His eyes turned red, and I let go.  He started writhing around and shouting, there was a look of pure fear on his face.

"What do we do?" I ask, suddenly afraid of what the kid was going through.

"We go back to the tower and wait, I guess," Wanda says in her heavy Slovakian accent.  Vision finally digs himself out of the bricks and helps us carry James, Sam, Clint, Natasha, Tony, and Percy back to the tower.

In the tower we pry James and Tony out of their suits, and lay everyone  on a bed in the infirmary, but Percy's bed we wheel into a cell.  The infirmary has never been so full.  Tony wakes up first, he walks into the living room where Wanda and I are waiting.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Well the kid, Percy, put up a huge fight and knocked everyone but Wanda and I unconscious.  Then Wanda hexed him in to seeing his worst fear, and he was out like a light," I explain.  Soon most of the team is conscious, so we have a meeting.

"Who do you think this kid is?" Sam asks.

"Well he could be Asgardian, or an escaped experiment.  Or really anything but normal," Tony replies.

"Why don't you ask him," Clint says looking at the video feed from the room, "he's awake."  We all troop downstairs to the cells.  In the cell Percy is sitting on the bed twirling a ballpoint pen.

"Who are you," Natasha demands.

"Wow, your little Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D group was so much nicer, they at least have me food," Percy mutters, "Well I am Perseus Jackson, but please call me Percy."

"What are you Percy?" Clint questions.

"Me?  Well I'm a troubled kid with ADHD and Dyslexia," he replies.  I see Tony writing stuff down.  "Enough with me though, who are you?" He asks.  Everyone looks around thinking the same thing, this kid doesn't know who we are?

"Well, we're the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes," Tony says.  Percy smirks.

"What'd you do to save earth?" He retorts.

"Well I'll let you know that we stopped the alien attack on New York, and Ultron trying to destroy the planet in Slovakia," Tony argues back.

"Wait, there was an alien attack in New York?" Percy questions.

"Yeah, last year kid, what were you doing, living under a rock?" Tony asks.

He muttered something like, "Out of the country."  Then he says, "Ok, so who are each of you?"

"I'm Iron Man or Tony Stark," Tony says looking for some form of recognition on the kids face.

"Oh, did you make that suit, my friend Leo could probably add a few adjustments," Percy retorts.

"I'm Captain America or Steve Rodgers," I say holding out my hand.

Percy shakes it and says, "The man out of time, I have two friends that would love to meet you."

"Hawkeye or Clint Barton."

"Frank would love this."

"Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow."

"James Rhodes or War Machine."

"Sam Wilson or Falcon."

"Wanda Maximoff or Scarlet Witch."

"Mind girl, I really appreciated seeing my worst fear, again."

"And I'm Vision."

"So do all your friends like the Avengers?" Clint asks.

"Well Jason probably likes Thor the best and Piper, I honestly have no idea, though it's probably Black Widow," Percy explains. "Oh, can I invite my friends over if I can't leave, or call my mom because she's going to freak."

"Sure kid, you can call your mom, and we'll think about it," I sort out.

"Ok thanks!" Percy exclaims as he runs to the bathroom.

"So, what do you think.  Should we let the kid friends come?" Clint asks.

"I say yes.  After all he's just a kid," I say.

"A kid that evaded S.H.I.E.L.D. for six years," interrupts Tony.

"I'm with Steve," Falcon says.  A few more people agree.

"Fine, but if things get out of hand, I get to say I told you so," Tony says matter of factly.  Soon Percy comes back.

"Follow me, I'll show you to your room," Tony says.  We all follow him through the maze of hallways to the guest bedroom floor.  Everyone goes to his or her bedroom.  Natasha is first of the left and Clint is first on the right.  Then it's Bruce, when he gets back, me, Thor, when he's here, and Percy after Clint and Wanda, James, Sam , and Vision after Natasha.

"This is your room," I hear Tony explain the rules to Percy, "breakfast is around eight, but you can come later, just not earlier."

"Ok, see you tomorrow," Percy says as he walks into his room.  Wow I think as I realize that it's late at night.

In bed I think about Percy, who is he and why does S.H.I.E.L.D. want him?

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now