The Time Stone

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Annabeth Chase

I'm sure this Collector dude is suspicious, but no one believes me. The Avengers go into the Quinjet and the Guardians of the Galaxy go into their ship.

"What are you guys going to ride?" Tony asks us demigods.

"Watch this!" Leo exclaims. He pulls out a safety whistle and blows into it. A few seconds later the Argo III pulls up to the building. "This is my spanking hot war machine, the Argo III!" Leo shouts. Since the Argo II crash landed in the woods, Leo built the Argo III on case of an emergency. The figurehead is not Festus anymore, because Leo rebuilt him, but another dragon figurehead dubbed Festus II. Creative right?

"That is one spanking hot war machine!" Tony exclaims. "Did you build that!"

"Yes bro, with the help of my step-siblings and our dad," Leo replies.

"Your dad is awesome!" Tony exclaims.

"Yeah, but pretty distant," Leo says looking at his feet. All our parents are, but they're gods what can they do about it.

"Same," Tony says sadly.

"Well come on guys, lets go!" Steve says startling Tony.

"Yeah, to Chatham!" Tony shouts as we each board our transportation.

"So the Time Stone is in a movie theater in Chatham," Rocket says over the COMs. Did I mention I hate COMs, monster flares. Luckily, Leo fiddled with them and made them monster proof, I hope.

"We're landing in ten," Steve announces over the COMs.

"Ok, when we get there we break into groups Leo, Calypso, Tony, and Peter; Jason, Piper, Thor, and Natasha; Hazel, Frank Clint, and Gamora; Reyna, James, Wanda, and Drax; Nico, Will, Rocket, and Groot; And Percy, Sam, Steve, and I. Thalia, Rachel, and Vision will guard the ships" I say.

"I usually do the ordering around, but you did a great job," Steve says as we land.

I walk off the Argo III with Percy and join Sam and Steve on the ground.
"You guys can't walk around like that!" I exclaim.

"Like what?" Steve asks.

"Like superheroes!" I reply, "Did you happen to bring a change of clothes?"

"No, but I can go like this," Tony says stepping out of the armor.

"No! Everyone knows you're Tony Stark!" I shout. "Same with you James, Steve, Clint, Thor, Sam, and Natasha, everyone knows what you look like. Also, no offence any of you, but people of earth don't have different color skin or will look kindly at it, and a talking raccoon and tree will cause some un wanted attention."

"Well, what can we do?" James asks.

"You can use my new and improved, perception filters!" Leo shouts pulling disk like things out of his tool belt.

"Leo! Those didn't work remember, they exploded!" Piper says.

"That was perception filter 1.0 this is 2.0," Leo explains. "You just attach them to your shirt, press the orange button, then boo-yah, you're completely invisible. Think about what you want to look like, press the blue button, then boo-yah, you look like someone else."

"How does it work?" Tony asks.

"If I tell you, then that would ruin the magic," Leo motioning with his hands. Tony, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Thor, Sam, James, Drax, Groot, Rocket, and Gamora each grab a hopefully nonexplosive perception filter clip it on.

"Guys think about somebody that looks like it could be one of our parents. They each hesitantly press the blue button.

I blink rubbing my eyes to make sure what I'm seeing is right. Ok, my vision is alright and Leo's invention worked. Steve now is a guy with black hair and green eyes he has a white shirt on with a brown jacket and jeans on, Sam is a blond guy with blue-gray eyes, Tony is an older version of Leo wearing a black shirt and jeans, Clint is an Asian guy wearing a purple shirt and jeans, Natasha is a Native American woman wearing a black knee length dress, Thor looks relatively the same except he has shorter blond hair and is wearing a white shirt and jeans, Gamora's skin is brown like Hazel's not green, Drax has dark skin like James, Rocket looks like an older version of Nico, and Groot looks like an older version of Will.

We split up and walk through the town. Percy and I walk in front of Steve and Sam down Main Street.
"This town isn't very big," Percy says as we spot the movie theater and see Jason, Piper, Thor, and Natasha walking towards it as well. Inside is a huge mural with tons of movie stars on it.

"I found it! On Marylyn Monroe's necklace!" Leo shouts jumping up and down. The necklace is pop-out and has an orange gem in the middle. It's about 15ft above the ground, too high for anyone to jump and get. How can we do this?

"Don't worry, I came prepared," Tony says a bracelet out of his pocket. He slips it on and after looking around presses a button. The Iron Man suit forms around him as he flies up to grab the gem.

"Be careful, don't touch it!" Peter shouts, "Use this." Peter throws Tony a ball. Tony puts it on the wall and it picks up the gem, then he flies down and presses his wrist and the suit shrinks back down to the bracelet.

Steve takes the ball from Tony and pockets it. They group walks back to the ships and leave to the tower. "So the Time Stone, what does it do?" Leo asks once we arrive at the tower.

"No idea," Tony replies.

"Maybe, we could harness the power of the Time Stone and make a time machine!" Leo exclaims. Steve, Nico, and Hazel look up, I know what they're thinking, but I won't work.

"No, it's too powerful, nobody can harness the power of an Infinity Stone," Peter says.

"What about demigods or gods, that could work, but we'll need more than one and we only have Thor," Tony says thoughtfully. The demigods look at each other, and have a silent conversation. It's time to tell them who we really are.

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