Powers and Cookies

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Piper McLean

We enter the training room, stand to the side. It's the first time I've fully seen it. There's an Olympic sized pool in the middle, with different weapons areas around the outside. There's also a viewing area near the ceiling with is about five stories up, surrounded by what I think is bulletproof glass. "One at a time you will give an example of your powers and skills, we will observe in the viewing box. So who's going first?" Phil asks. We all shift a round and look at each other uncomfortably.

"Fine! I'll go first," Percy exclaims exasperated. The rest of us follow everyone else into the viewing box. The demigods push our way to the front to watch the show. I really hope Percy isn't stupid enough to go to the full extent of his power because then Manhattan might be flooded or destroyed. I look at Annabeth, she rolls her eyes at me. Of course she probably told Percy only to give them some extent of his power. Soon, the show is about to start. We all stare at Percy, waiting for him to start. He flashes us a lopsided grin, then starts his demonstration of power. He starts by lifting all the water from the pool up in the air. Then, he starts making shapes out of the floating water. Next, he makes his little personal hurricane. Finally, he Mist Travels into the viewing box.

"How was that?" he asks.

"Amazing!" Phil exclaims. "Who's next?"

"Me," Jason says raising his hand. He walks down the stairs to the training room. Once inside he smiles and pushes his glasses up on his nose. He starts by jumping off the ground and flying. Next, he makes a cloud in the room, and makes it start raining. Finally, Jason makes it thunder and lighting in the room.

"He's like a mini Thor," I hear Tony whisper as Jason walks up into the viewing box.

"Great!" Phil exclaims to Jason as he walks in wiping off his glasses.

"I'm go next," Nico says.

"No," Will exclaims, "You can't use any Underworld powers or you'll turn to Shadows!"

"I'll go," Frank volunteers. He walks into the training room. While standing in relatively the middle he shifts into a lion.

"WTF!" Tony exclaims.

"Language!" Steve automatically answers.

"Can you do any animal?" Phil asks over the loud speaker once Frank was back in human form.

"Yes sir," Frank responds as he comes back up.

"I'll go next," Hazel volunteers shyly. She walks down into the training room. She closes her eyes and concentrates, suddenly a chunk of gold appears at her feet. She then pushes it back to where ever it came from. Next, she manipulates the Mist into making a little puppy, which I had to coo at because it was too cute. Finally, Hazel dissolves into the shadows and appears next to Nico. She's sweating and breathing hard, but she manages to crack a smile. "I did it Neeks," she grins.

"Congratulations!" he grins back.

"Any one else?" Phil asks.

"Don't forget me!" Leo exclaims. He runs into the training room. He then bursts into flames. The Avengers all stand there shell shocked.

"Is he OK?" Steve asks. Let him be the logical one.

"Yeah, he's immune to being burned," Annabeth exclaims.

"Anyone next?" Phil asks when Leo gets back grinning.

"No," Annabeth says.

"Why not, some of you haven't gone yet?" Phil asks.

"Well Jason and I have the same powers so you don't need to see it again," Thalia explains.

"And Calypso, Grover, Rachel, Piper, Reyna, Will, and I both don't have any powers," Annabeth explains. She and I had talked and decided to not tell the Avengers about charmspeak. They might not like if I can control people with my voice.

"So does anyone want cookies, my mom baked a batch?" Percy asks holding up a jar of blue cookies.

"Yes!" Hawkeye exclaims reaching for the jar.

"I want some!" Tony shouts running towards Percy.

"Give me the cookies!" Leo exclaims.

"Chill!" Percy exclaims. "Everyone will get some." We form a line and Percy hands out cookies.

I look at around at all the Avenger's shocked looks. "This are the best cookies ever!" Clint exclaims.

"I need more!" Tony shouts.

"SUGAR!" Leo says crazily. I don't think we should have given him another cookie, this was like his fourth today. I see a flaming Leo running around and Calypso chasing after him.

"These are the best cookies I've had here and back in WWII," Steve exclaims.

"You're not the only person out of time," Nico says.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

"Well I was born in the 1930's and Hazel was born in 1928," Nico explains.

"How can you still be alive, you're 90 years old?" Steve asks.

"Well my sister Bianca and I were stuck in a Hotel in which you don't age, and you rarely leave. We left and found 80 years had passed," Nico exclaims.

"I died, but unlike most of the dead I remembered my life before. The wall between the dead and the living was weakened, and Nico brought me back when he visited the Underworld," Hazel exclaims

"You learn something new everyday. Like you're never alone," Steve says, probably glad he has someone to relate to.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now