The Shift

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Scott Lang

I really can't believe I'm meeting the Avengers. I mean I figured we'd get captured, I mean who breaks into a Towed full of highly trained superheroes and escapes? "So what are you here for?" Iron Man asks.

"The lady just said, to help you," I say.

"You're serious?" Iron Man asks.

"Yeah, I wouldn't sneak into the Avengers Tower to steal something," I joke.

"You snuck into the Avengers HQ to steal something," Falcon points outs.

"No one was there," I argue.

"I was," Falcon says raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and I still got away with my prize. Just let it go, you aren't going to win," I say.

"Burn," I see a teenager with brown curly hair say to a blond kid with glasses. I wonder who they are, and why the Avengers let them in their tower?

"Wait, when did this happen?" Captain America asks.

"About a month ago," I say as Falcon glares at me, "but you were probably to busy dropping cities out of the sky to notice."

"Falcon!" Captain America says looking to the Avenger, "is everything he's saying true?"

"Yes Cap," Falcon says looking like a disobedient child.

"Ok boys, glad you could sort this whole situation out, but we need to get down to business," Hope says.

"The lady's right, lets make a plan to take down the big bad titan," Iron Man says taking charge.

"First thing first, we don't know when or where Thanos is going to attack, but we know he's going to do it. I propose we make a watch that's on high alert at all times, we can each take turns on shifts," a blond girl with stormy grey eyes says. Everyone nods in agreement, why are the Avengers taking orders from teenagers?

"Hey, what about us?" I ask.

"You will prove your loyalty to the team, you'll be on first watch tonight with Percy, Falcon, Drax, and Daisy," Hawkeye says. Great, I don't even know anyone on my team but my nemeses Falcon.

"So when does the shift start?" I ask, itching to get out of this cage.

"Right now," Hawkeye says unlocking the cage and letting only me out. I'm led over to another teenager with wavy black hair and sea green eyes. "Scott this is Percy, he's your shift leader," Hawkeye says before disappearing into the crowd. Soon Falcon comes over, he's followed by a girl with short wavy brown hair and a blue alien guy.

"Scott this is Falcon, Daisy, and Drax," Percy says introducing me to my group.

"Hello everyone, lets get this night over with," I say, "So what are we supposed to do?"

"Watch over the building while everyone sleeps," Drax says gruffly.

"Yeah I know that, I mean how?" I ask.

"Security cameras, we'll stay up all night watching security cameras," Daisy says.

"So not being stalkers at all," I say sarcastically.

"Yeah," Percy says cracking a smile. For some reason I like that kid. I have no idea why or how, I just do.

"Lets get started!" I exclaim, at this everyone cracks a smile. We walk to the security room. "I'm not going to stay up all night long on these chairs," I say settling into the soft chairs.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., can you order us five large coffees?" Daisy asks. That girl is smart, caffeine will keep us all night.

"Can you also sound an alarm if anyone unauthorized is in the Tower?" Percy asks.

"Sure thing Daisy and Percy," an Irish voice says from the ceiling.

"An AI, sweet," I exclaim. A few minutes later the coffees come and Daisy goes to pick them up. "Ok, so the only person I really know where is Falcon. The rest of you are complete strangers, I need to know who you are if I'm going to stay in a small room with you for a whole night," I say.

"Ok, just believe anything we say no matter how wacky," Percy says.

"Sure thing," I say confused at what they're going to tell me.

"Well me and my friends, we're all demigods," Percy says. For a moment there I'm totally confused.

"Wait like Thor?" I ask utterly confused.

"Well yeah, but we're Greek not Norse," Percy says.

"Like Zeus?" I ask that is literally all the Greek mythology I know.

"Yup, like Zeus. We are half Greek God half human," Percy tries to explain.

"Ok, I think I get it. Who's next?" I ask.

"Me," Daisy says.

"Ok, who are you?" I ask the girl.

"Daisy Johnson, I'm an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm also a Kree alien human hybrid called an Inhuman," Daisy explains.

"Ok, strange. So what does being part alien do to you?" I ask.

"I can control the vibrations of anything, so that means I can make earthquakes," Daisy says. I'm really glad she added that last part otherwise I'd be more confused.

"And Drax?" I say.

"I'm part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and I'm an alien," Drax says bluntly. Ok he's a bit weird. I really can't wait for this night to be over.

A/N:  Should I add any other Marvel or Rick Riordan characters?  If you think so please comment who.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now