The Hulk, and the Intruders

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"Ok guys, this is it," I say facing the cave. We slowly walk into the cave being careful not to make a sound. For once, I'm glad to have to people how can wreak havoc where ever they go beside me. We enter a huge cavern and look around. One corner is a lab, while an alcove is a bed, and a section of the pond in the middle is surrounded by a curtain probably making it a bathroom.

Daisy starts by playing it safe, "Mr. Banner. Bruce Banner," she calls in the cavern as not to surprise the guy.

"Who are you and what is it?" Bruce asks coming out an adjoining passage.

"Tony sent us, the Avengers need help," I plead desperately.

"Are you sure?" Bruce asks.

"Why else would the Avengers need the Incredible Hulk for!" I exclaim.

"True, but who are you? Why didn't Tony come himself?" Bruce asks looking smug.

"He is preoccupied with preparing for war," Percy exclaims.

"Against who?" Bruce asks genuinely concerned.

"Thanos," Daisy says softly.

"Ok, I'm coming, just let me gather up my stuff," Bruce says grabbing a duffle bag. He gathers up some stuff, then walks back over to us. "Ok, lead the way," he says gesturing to the front of the cave. We walk to the front of the cave and meet Peter and Gamora.

"From the way Tony was describing you, I was imagining something much more bigger and greener," Peter jokes.

"Who are you?" Bruce questions.

"Peter Quill or Starlord," Peter boosts. He is almost as bad as Tony with his ego.

"Hello, I'm Gamora," Gamora says shaking Bruce's hand.

"They're aliens from space," Percy pipes in.

"How interesting," Bruce mutters. Soon we reach the jet where Natasha and Tony are waiting.

"You found him!" Natasha exclaims running over and hugging Bruce.

"Hello Natasha," Bruce smiles, I guess he missed her too.

"Well lets go head back to the tower, everyone can't wait to see you," Tony says putting an arm on his science bro's shoulders.

"Ok let's go" Percy exclaims. We all go on the jet and Natasha starts to fly us home.

"So who are you?" Bruce asks.

"Well I'm Annabeth Chase, and this is my boyfriend Percy Jackson," I reply.

"I'm Daisy, I'm an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Daisy says.

"Ok, and how'd you get on the team?" Bruce asks.

"Well, we're demigods," Percy says referring to me an him.

"So are you from Asgard?" Bruce asks.

"No, not Norse demigods, Greek demigods," I clarify.

"And who are your parents?" Bruce asks.

"I'm a daughter of Athena, and he's the son of Poseidon, " I explain.

"Cool, and how about you?" he asks Daisy.

"Well I'm an Inhuman. Not quite sure how much, but about a quarter of the population has a dormant alien gene. This gene only activates when exposed to Terigin Crystals. It totally changes your DNA, I got the power to control the vibration of anything," Daisy explains.

"Wow," Bruce says in disbelief. I decide to fall asleep for the rest of the flight, and soon find myself fast asleep.

I woke up to Percy shaking me awake. "Wake up Annabeth, we're here," he says.

"Ok, I'm up," I say. When the jet finally lands, we get out and walk into the tower. We walk in, to find a scene of chaos.

"He's right there! No on the counter!" Falcon shouts to Leo who's carrying a jar towards the sink. Leo slams the jar on the counter over something and picks it up on a sheet of paper.

"Got him!" Leo exclaims.

"What is going on?" Tony shouts making everyone freeze.

"We're trying to catch Ant-Man and Wasp," Leo says holding up the jar.

"Seriously!" Tony exclaims running over examining the jar. "You guys just caught some prime Pym technology!"

"Pym?" I ask confused.

"Hank Pym, just about the second best inventor in the world. He invented the Pym Partials, which can shrink or grow any object," Tony says excited.

"Wow," I say.

"Yeah, quickly get the two intruders to a holding cell," Tony orders.

"Yes sir!" Leo salutes before running off to the cells.

"That kid will be the end of me one day," Tony mutters and the demigods laugh.

"Ok guys, let's go interrogate this Ant-Man," Steve says leading the group to the cells. Leo's at the control panel while a full grown Ant-Man and Wasp are in the cell.

"I did it!" Leo exclaims triumphantly.

"Never doubted it," Tony says walking over to cell. "So who are you?" he asks.

"I'm Scott Lang, and I'm here to help," Scott says taking off his helmet.

"Help with what?" Steve asks.

"Saving the world, and by the way, I'm Hope Van Dike." Hope says.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now