Phil's Alive?! and a mysterious visitor

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Natasha Romanoff

After Percy's friends left we cleaned up the tower. I have to admit they're all a bit strange. First of all, they ate more than Steve and he's the super solider. Second, their story is fake. If they're really troubled kids, why would anyone in the right mind send them on a boat across the Atlantic with only one chaperone. Finally, Percy beating Steve in arm wrestling, Leo's genius blueprints, and Percy beating most of the team in combat. Something about these kids just doesn't add up, and I going to get to the bottom of it.

"Who's that?" Percy asks pulling me out of my thoughts. He's pointing to the memorial of Phil. Wait Fury said he was captured by a group of Agents, Phil's team! Oh no, this is going to be bad.

"That's Agent Phil Coulson, he died during the Chitauri attack when Loki stabbed him," Steve says sadly.

"But, that's impossible!" Percy says confused.

"How?" Tony asks, also confused.

"You said he was dead, I just saw Agent Coulson earlier this week. He captured me before I escaped," Percy says in disbelief.

"What?" Tony shouts. "Natasha did you know about this, you're one of Fury's top Agents."

I gulp, "Maybe."

"And you never thought it would be nice to tell us?" Steve shouts.

"Steve, she's a spy, she doesn't have feeling apparently," Tony says angrily. Oh that did it, he doesn't think I have feelings. I will show him!

"Wait, let me guess, our clearance level wasn't high enough to know the truth, and it was classified," Steve objects.

"Um," I stutter unintelligently. "You'll have to ask Fury," I finally stammer. Tony pulls up a screen and video calls Fury.

"What is it this time Stark?" an annoyed Fury answers.

"Fury, how is Coulson alive, and why didn't you tell us. And don't give me any of that classified crap, I want the cold hard truth," Tony demands.

"Who told you he was alive! Romanoff or Barton, I knew they couldn't resist," Fury shouts.

"It was Perseus, he was captured by Phil and told us he was alive. Now tell me how is he alive?" Tony screams.

"Well," Fury starts drumming his fingers on the desk, "before the attack Coulson was working on project T.A.H.I.T.I, research on a drug called GH.325. The drug can increase cell manipulation, but also had drastic side effects. GH.325 was made from body fluids of a Kree alien to heal a fallen Avenger. When Phil was wounded we used it on him, but erased all memories of project T.A.H.I.T.I."

"So, he's alive and you never told us!" Steve yells.

"Yeah," Fury mumbled.

"So, can we see him sometime?" Tony asks.

"Ok," Fury replies, then hangs up. The team turns to me.

"So, what do you have to say to us," Tony asks.

"I'm sorry for not telling you guys," I proclaim.

The team cleans up the tower, then Percy goes to his room after the crazy chat with Fury. Determined to find out who this kid is, and what he's up to I go to my room. Earlier today I planted a bug in his room, so I went to my computer and turned on the audio.

"What are you doing here Neeks?" I hear Percy ask.

"Checking on you, and bringing a message," the other person says.

"Who's it from?" Percy questions.

"Your father," the person replies. A message from his father, but his father is dead. Maybe this kid is a double agent, but he seems harmless. Then again he took down most of the team. I better keep listening.

"Then spit," Percy orders.

"He said they're getting anxious. Something big is about to happen, and you're probably going to be in the middle of it if you stay with this team," the person replies.

"Not again, the Fates hate me! I can't go through another one," Percy shouts.

"I'm sorry, but you can't stop Fate," the other person says seriously.

"I'm not doing it again, and I thought the Python was blocking it from telling us?" Percy asks confused.

"Well they can tell, and since it's blocked we have no idea what's coming," the person says.

"Great, just great. Something's coming, and we have no idea what it is. I give up!" Percy shouts at the ceiling, "Why does my life suck so freaking much."

"Shh, keep your anger in check, you know what happed last time," the person warned. What happened, what could be so bad.

"Ok, got to go, the team is probably worried, see you soon. Oh and next time just IM me or tell dad to IM me. You don't have to come and risked being seen," Percy says.

"Wait, you haven't told the Avengers yet?" the person says.

"No, should I?" Percy asks.

"Well, I don't know. You should ask your father," he replies.

"Ok, I will. See you soon, hopefully," Percy says

"Bye, see you back at camp," the person says. That must be the camp they told us about the one for troubled kids. Everything leads back to this camp, Percy, his friends, the fact that everything happens over the summer, and finally this mysterious person who snuck into the tower.

I hear a door open and close down the hall, Percy's leaving his room. We're on the fiftieth floor his friend can't climb out the window. I'm going to keep a close eye on Percy and his room. I need to find out one thing.

Who Percy Jack really is.

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