Finding Percy

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Percy Jackson

I was walking down 5th Avenue back home from Goode High School with my girlfriend Annabeth Chase. Soon we reached the apartment she was renting until we finished high school and moved to New Rome for collage.

"Bye!" I say as we kiss on the door step of the building.

"Bye, see you tomorrow. Don't forget to study for that biology test," She answers. That's my girlfriend, the smart one.

When I crossed the intersection I felt something, someone had been following me since I dropped her off. I felt it in the air using water vapor, two women had been following me. I walked into central park hoping to lose them.

Suddenly, I felt two more people walking towards me from the front, a man and a woman. Then more people from the sides, another man and woman on the left, and two men on the right. This was their plan, to close in on me once they found me.
I turned, taking a sharp left turn running in-between the two pairs.

Behind me I heard shouts and gun shots, "What the Hades!" I think as I grab a low tree branch and swing up into the tree, using the Mist to shield me. I take out the lucky dagger my dad gave me, it can harm mortals so it's only for emergencies.

The people come below me, one guy is a buff African American dude, and the lady has shoulder length strawberry blond hair and two batons, both have guns. They meet up with the two that were stalking me, a girl with short reddish brown hair and a tablet, and another girl with shoulder length chestnut brown hair with a strange aura about her, she's defiantly not all human. Demigod? Maybe, but I didn't think so.

"Where'd he go?" asks the girl with short hair.

"I don't know Simmons, do you think he can teleport like Gordon?" asks the strange girl.

"Maybe, but maybe not Skye," said the guy, "Gordon usually has makes a sound when he teleports, we didn't hear anything." I look at the strange logo on their gear, some sort or bird, maybe an eagle.

Suddenly, I remembered something, I'd seen that logo before. This guy had come up to me around last year, he'd asked me if I knew what S.H.I.E.L.D. was. I'd answered no, then ran away before he could ask more questions.

Maybe that symbol stood for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Soon four more people walk over, a guy with short brown hair and a big looking forehead, another guy with curly light brown hair, a guy with dark brown hair, and a Chinese lady with long black hair.

"Agent Skye, Simmons, Bobbi, and Mack, have you found him yet?" asks the big forehead dude who must be the boss.

"No Coulson, he appeared to have disappeared," the lady who I think is Bobbi replies.

"Seriously," I think. "I'm in the tree above your head." I can't believe they can't see me, I'm not invisible or anything, or am I?

I look at myself, "I don't look invisible, but how can I tell." Then it hits me,
"Oh you idiot, you're using the Mist to stay hidden," I think, "Man I am a Seaweed Brain."

Suddenly, I slip and swing upside down on the branch, my head inline with Coulson's head.

"Hi, I heard you were looking for me, so I decided to stop by," I say sheepishly as all the guns are aimed at my head.

"Perseus Jackson, I've been waiting a long time to meet you," Coulson says. "I'm Phil Coulson and we are the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Nice to meet you all," I say confidently, "as you seen to know, I'm Percy, not Perseus, Jackson. And I guess I'll come with you." I was escorted to the Bus, as they called it, which is a seriously cool camouflaged plane. I mean when you turn on the cloaking device, it disappeared.

We started flying and I pryed Zeus wouldn't blast me out of the sky. When we crossed over the Hudson, I was tempted to use my powers to escape, but decided not and see what was going to happen.

"You will be escorted to the cargo hold cell, and will stay there until we get to HQ," Coulson seemed to be saying.

"Yes sir," I say giving a mock salute. "Oh and by the way, what is S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"S.H.I.E L.D stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division," explains Coulson as he leads me into a room with a cool hexagon design on the wall.

"No wonder you shortened it," I mutter.

"This is your cell for now, and Agent Skye will interrogate you," Coulson says as the different girl comes forward and comes in the room with me.

"Hi, I'm Skye," the girl says as we both sit down on opposite sides of the table.

"I'm going to cut to the chase," I say bluntly, "who are you, and more correctly, what are you?"

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about," Skye stutters.

"I know you're not full human. I just don't know what you are," I say calmly.

"Well what are you?" She questions.

"I'm human," I say glaring at her.

"Well since you won't talk I will," she starts looking away from my gaze,

"I'm an Inhuman, a part human part Kree alien."

"Cool," I say getting excited for what to come.

"My power is, I can control the vibrations of everything," Skye explains. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I nodded like I knew. I thought about that, the vibrations of everything? What does that mean, I mean she can probably make earthquakes and stuff, maybe have Poseidon like earthquake powers.

"Percy? Hello? You still with me?" Skye asks snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I ask.

"You were in dreamland, I'm going to ask you some questions," she said.
"Oh yeah my ADHD. OK start the questions," I say.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now