The Guardians Arrive

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A/N I know the title only says Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I have decided to make this a Percy Jackson and Marvel crossover, so all Marvel characters.

Peter Quill

The Guardians and I flew to Midgard in my ship Milano. We were tracking the Infinity Stones with a device Rocket made. I wasn't sure if it even works.

"The Mind Stone is at some place called the Avengers Tower," Gamora explains looking at the tracker.

"To the Avengers Tower!" I shout. We arrive in New York City, and fly to a tower with a big A on the side. We land on a landing pad jutting out of the side.

Two metal men one red and gold and one gray, a guy wearing an American flag spandex, a dude with metal wings, a guy with a bow and arrow, a lady with a black spandex suit and guns, a girl with a red jacket, a red man, a Viking dude, and a kid with black hair walk out and assume fighting stance.

I put my hands up in surrender and gesture for the others to do that too. "I'm Peter Quill, this is Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy," I announce.

"We're the Avengers, and this is our plant. Why are you here?" the red and gold metal man asks.

"We're tracking the Infinity Stones to stop them from falling in the wrong hands Tin Can Man, so where is it?" I demand. Tin Can starts to say something, but the kid cuts him off.

"I'm Percy Jackson, this is Iron Man AKA Tony Stark, War Machine AKA James Rhode, Captain America AKA Steve Rodgers, Falcon AKA Sam Wilson, Hawkeye AKA Clint Barton, Black Widow AKA Natasha Romanoff, Scarlet Witch AKA Wanda Maxomoff, Vision, and Thor. We appear to have the same goal and/or enemy, so let's work together," Percy says.

"That's a good idea, come inside. Just don't destroy anything or Tony's going to be pissed," Captain America says as he leads us to a conference room.

"So Percy, when are your friends coming?" Hawkeye asks.

"At lunch time," Percy replies.

"I guess I need to order more for lunch," Tony says walking over to the phone, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. order two more pizzas."

"OK sir," a mechanical sounding voice says.

"Who's that!" Rocket exclaims.

"What? The raccoon talks?" Tony shouts.

"What's a raccoon?" Rocket asks.

"That's what you are!" I say, "So who's that?"

"That's my artificial intelligence F.R.I.D.A.Y.," Tony explains.

"Ok," I reply.

"Mr. Stark, some people are here for Percy," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces.

"Send them up," Tony says. The elevator opens and Percy is tackled by a girl with blond princess curls.

Behind them a boy with blond hair and a scar on his lip and glasses, he's holding hands with a girl with brown hair and an eagle feather. Next, a Latino boy with an elvish face, he's holding hands with a pretty girl with caramel colored hair.  Also, a girl with dark skin and curly hair was holding hands with a buff Chinese guy.  Then a girl with spikey black hair and a tiara, next to her is a girl with dark brown hair and a serious look on her face, and next to her is a girl with curly red hair.  Finally, out comes a boy with black hair and clothes, and a boy that's the complete opposite with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Guys this is Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Thalia, Reyna, Rachel, Nico, and Will," Percy says.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. show the campers their room," Tony exclaims.

"Ok sir, campers follow the blue light," F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s Irish voice says. A blue light flashes showing the way to the camper's rooms.

"Thanks Tony!" Leo shouts as they walk upstairs.

"Anytime Mc Shizzle!" Tony shouts back.

"Ok, where are we going to sleep?" I ask.

"Um, F.R.I.D.A.Y clear out the next open floor for these guys," Tony asks.

"Yes sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces.

"Guardians, please follow the red light to your rooms." We walked down the hall to the elevator and rode it to the next floor down.

"Wow!" Gamora exclaims, "This is the most luxurious room I have ever stayed in!"

"Defiantly," I reply. The room was huge with four doorways each leading to a bedroom. My bedroom has a huge four poster bed in one corner and a desk against the other wall.

"Peter Quill, please report to the living room for lunch please," F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.," I say as I walk out of the door. I enter the elevator and go to the living room where the Avengers and campers are waiting.

"So where is the Mind Stone?" I ask, "We were tracking it here."

"Um, it's in Vision's forehead," Steve says gesturing to Vision, who has an orange gem in his forehead. That guy is strange, I don't know what he is.

"We also have the Tesseract or Space Stone on Asgard, and the Aether or Reality Stone is with the Collector," Thor says.

"What! The Power Stone is with him too!" I protest.

"You found the Power Stone?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, Thanos is collecting them," I say.

"We know, that's why we were trying to find them!" Percy exclaims.

"So our job is to find the Infinity Stones?" I ask.

"Yeah, but what about this Collector dude?" Annabeth asks. "He has two of the Stones, what if he's planning something?"

"I don't think so, he's trust worthy," Thor says.

"OK, but just in case I'm going to keep tabs on him," Annabeth replies, "So where's the next Stone?"

"Chatham, Cape Cod Massachusetts," Rocket replies looking at his tracker.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now