Loki Returns

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Frank Zhang

"So you can really change into any animal?" Clint asks me.

"Yeah, can you really hit any target even if you're not looking?" I ask.

"Yeah, so are you a good archer?" Clint asks.

"Yeah I'm pretty good, though probably not as good as you," I admit.

"You and me, we should go to the archery range together later," Clint asks.

"Ok yeah," I say nervously, I mean this guy is my hero. Training with him would be a dream come true.

"So Hazel, is she you're girlfriend?" Clint asks.

"Yeah," I reply.

"She seems nice, you guys are good together," Clint replies.

"Do you have a wife?" I asks.

"Yeah, Laura. I also have three kids Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel," Clint says sadly.

"Oh," I say uncomfortably. I see Steve talking to Percy, they're both such great leaders even if Percy thinks he is bad.

"So what's your story?" Steve asks, "How'd you demigods learn to fight and everything?"

"Well, there are two demigod camps in America, one for Romans and one for Greeks. We all have been and trained at the camps," Percy explains.

"I have a great idea!" Tony exclaims as soon as I met Tony I could tell why Leo idolizes him. He's like an older richer Leo.

"What Tony?" Steve asks.

"We should have a story session. We should all tell our stories!" Tony exclaims obviously excited for this.

"Ok, I'll go first," Steve says. "I grew up in Brooklyn. I was always getting picked on for being short and skinny. During the war I always wanted to serve, but I was too short and skinny. One day a doctor came up to me and asked if I would like to become part of a special project for the army. I of course said yes wanting to do anything for the army. I trained for a week at boot camp, then was taken to a secret underground base. There at the base they gave me the super soldier serum, but I wasn't Captain America yet. One of the men watching the procedure was a Hydra agent, he stole the last vile of the serum and took off. I chased him and finally caught him, but he killed himself rather than let me take him in. After that I become the poster person of the war. I traveled the county preforming the same skit over an over again. Then I preformed for the soldiers, it was there that I learned that my childhood friend Bucky had gotten captured by Hydra. I immediately set off to find him and the other soldiers. I arrived at the base and freed all the soldiers, while getting Bucky I met Red Skull. He had tried to make a super soldier serum, it worked but also made him power hungry. Bucky and I barely escaped. Everyone returned to camp and I was given the title Captain. I became close friends with some of the soldiers and we started raiding Hydra bases, it was one on of these raids that I lost Bucky. Then I finally met Red Skull again, and that's when I flew the plane into the Arctic," Steve finishes his long story. Leo looks like he's about to burst from sitting still for so long.

"Ok, enough with him. It's my turn!" Tony exclaims. "I'm the CEO of Stark Industries, a weapons designing company. As I'm being driven back from a missile testing I get attacked. I get flipped out of the jeep and land on the ground. Suddenly right next to me is a missile, on the sides reads Stark Industries. I wake up in a cave with a car engine hooked up to my chest. A kind doctor tells me that the group that fired at me wants me to build a missile for them. He also told me that the shrapnel from the missile is in my chest and that the car engine was the only thing keeping it from reaching my heart. I built my first Iron Man suit in the cave to escape and then made the arc reactor that was in my chest before," Tony says.

"Sir, Loki's been sighted at Central Park," F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.

"Ok guys, enough with sappy stories, we have some Asgardian butt to kick," Tony exclaims as everyone goes to suit up. I run to my room and grab my bow, and my never ending quiver of arrows. I meet everyone on the roof where Steve is giving orders.

"Ok everyone, same places as last time," Steve says before jumping off the roof. I seriously think that guy is a demigod, who else would survive that fall?

I use my zip line arrow to get to the next roof and from there run from roof to roof to Central Park. I crouch on the roof across the road from Central Park. I spy Loki dressed as a somewhat normal person sitting on a bench. I see Hawkeye on the roof across from me. I still can't believe I talked to him!

Will is on the roof to my right, Apollo is across from him, Thalia is on the roof to my left, Artemis is across from her, Rocket is next to Will with Natasha across from him, and Jason is next to his sister with Piper across from him.

"What do we do next?" I ask into the COMs.

"We see what Loki's up to, he obviously doesn't want to fight," Steve answers.

I see Steve, Percy, Phil, and Peter approaching the sitting god. I see they're talking to Loki, so I turn up my COM volume to hear what they're saying.

"What do you want?" Steve demands.

"Do I have to want anything?" Loki replies.

"Dude, you always want to take over someplace," Tony remarks.

"I'm just a pawn in a game gods," Loki mutters ignoring Tony's comment.

"Welcome to my world," I hear Percy mutter.

"Grandson, I need to talk to you," Loki says looking up. "Alone," he says when no one moves. I see everyone back up about ten feet. I see everyone take out their COMs in confusion, but now I'm confused. Why are they doing that, mine's perfectly fine?

"Perseus, you've grown so much," Loki says kindly.

"Loki, cut to the chase, what do you want?" Percy snaps.

"Percy, I'm finally free. Don't you get it? It was never me doing any of those things. It him, Thanos," Loki whispers

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll try to help in any way that I can," Percy says worried.

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