Surprise and the revelation

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Jason Grace

We went to this really good Mexican place Tony recommended. I got this awesome burrito, it was heaven. The Avengers are cool, but some are a little suspicious. Percy says he talked to Thor, so he'll keep our secret, but Natasha Romanoff has been following us around every time we leave. It's crazy, we can't do anything.

All of us ,except Apollo and Artemis, went to visit Mrs. Blofis, one day. It was risky, I mean Miss. Super Spy was following us around. We know she's walking thirty feet behind us, so to get rid of her we walked into an ally like we are going to go into that building. Then Nico Shadow Travels us away. We appear in the ally next to the Blofis' apartment, and knock on the door. Percy's mom opens it, and immediately drags him into a hug. She then continues to hug all of us as we enter the house. She's so nice, she's everyone's mom.

"How have you guys been holding up in the Avengers Tower? " she asks.

"Great mom, but they are going to find out about us soon enough," Percy replies.

"Why don't you tell them?" she asks puzzled.

"I don't want them to deem us a threat and hunt us down," Percy answers.

"Oh, well I made cookies. Who wants some?" Mrs. Blofis asks cheering us up. We all squeeze into the kitchen where Mrs. Blofis has some blue chocolate chip cookies cooling off. We each take one or two and Mrs. Blofis puts the rest in a container to share with the Avengers. I take a bite of my cookie. Heaven in a cookie, these are always the best.

"Thank you Mrs. Blofis!" Annabeth says for all of us. We all nod enthusiastically.

Percy's mom's smile drops, "Honey I have something to tell you," she says slowly.

"What mom?" Percy asks.

"Well your grandfather, my dad, is alive," she replies.

"That's great!" Percy exclaims.

"Well, the thing is he's not who I thought him to be," Mrs. Blofis says.

"Mom, who is my grandpa?" Percy asks concerned.

"Loki, he came during the attack, while you were in Greece, and told me," she replies bursting into tears.

"Mom, its OK. You didn't know, it's fine," Percy says comforting his mom. Loki? Seriously, Loki is Percy's grandpa. Like he doesn't have enough to worry about, now he finds out he has another evil power hungry granddad.

"You guys should go. Go back to the Avengers. Reveal yourselves, and tell them about Loki. Go now!" Mrs. Blofis says rushed. She starts herding us out of the house. I pick up the cookies, and push up my glasses. We go to the ally near the house, and Nico Shadow Travels us closer to the Tower. We break into a sprint and reach the Tower out of breath. We each scan our ID cards and go in the secret non-paparazzi entrance. I mean seriously, the paparazzi swarm the tower like ants to a picnic. We run up the stairs to the Avengers Floor and tumble through the door, landing in a heap.

"Emergency meeting right now!" Annabeth shouts. Everyone scrambles to a seat in the living room.

"What's happening? Is there an attack?" Tony asks in full armor.

"No, but we need to tell you something," Annabeth says gesturing to us.

"What?" Steve asks.

"We' you," Percy stutters.

"We're Greek demigods, half mortal, half Greek god," Leo bursts.

"What?!" Tony exclaims.

"So you guys are all Greek demigods?" Steve asks.

"Well actually, Reyna, Jason, Frank, and Hazel are Roman. Thalia is part of the Hunters of Artemis, so she's immortal. Calypso, is a Titaness, Grover is a faun or satyr, Andy and Alexis are actually the gods Apollo and Artemis, and Rachel is the Oracle of Delphi. But yeah, the rest of us are Greek demigods," Percy sums up.

"OK, weird," Tony says.

"Oh and I just found out Loki is my grandpa," Percy mutters, but everyone hears it and it causes an uproar.

"What?" just about everyone exclaims at once.

"Yeah," Percy replies.

"Wait, who are your godly parents?" Steve asks. Obviously he knows his Greek mythology.


"Jupiter or Zeus."




"Pluto or Hades."




"Mars or Ares."

"And Hephaestus," Leo finishes.

"Wait Apollo and Artemis are the gods of archery! I'm met the gods of archery!" Clint exclaims. He looks like he's about to faint.

"Men," Artemis says with obvious distaste.

"I think its cool, and by the way Clint I'm better at archery," Apollo says. Then they start arguing about who's better at archery. Here we go again.

"We'll need a powers assessment," Phil says as we go to the training room for the test.

I want to thank cooljoanna19 for the awesome idea of Percy being Loki's grandson.

Percy Jackson, the Avengers, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now