Chapter 24

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"Thanks for the bandages they are on perfectly you're really good at this." Evan spoke so gratefully. Guess I am used to using band aids to help cover injuries. I let out a light laugh and everyone joined me. "So why were you two fighting?" Mason interrupted the nice atmosphere. Ray and Evan looked at each other. Evan turned away and spoke reluctantly."He asked me if I liked Alice."
"It is obvious you do." So it is my fault this whole fight happened, can they calm down not like it matters, they fighting isn't going to change anything."So do you, love Alice." Are they seriously going to just keep embarrassing themselves by fighting in front of me?
"Do I have to beat you two up again?" That shut them both up then I asked, "So Mason are you done interrogating them?" Alek began talking changing the topic.
"Mr. Midler..." I interrupted, my curiosity got the best of me manners didn't matter anymore.
"There aren't any teachers in here." Mason looked at me strangely. "Why the weird face Mason? Not that it usually doesn't look weird, but it looks weirder than normal."
"I'm a teacher."
"Not funny your comedy isn't amusing me, cut it out Mason." Alek resistively commented on my comment of Mason's joke not being funny.
"Alice, Mr. Midler is a teacher." The look in his eye told me he wasn't joking around he was dead serious.
"Wait Mason you let me call you by your first name time all this time without telling me you are actually a teacher. Now I am going to just have to call you Mason. Mr. Whatever is too formal and it'll kill me to call you that."
"I don't mind you calling me Mason." He let out a laugh and I joined him everyone else was still in shock."So how are you two?" I tossed my glare trying to split it evenly between them. "I'm fine, all these band aids weren't necessary." A twisted smirk filled Evan's face as he continued. "As if someone like him could hurt me." His cocky attitude empathized each word."At least I don't wonder aimlessly like an idiot throwing weak punches that barely hurt." Ray's witty comment made the war between them continue, I just was watching letting them vent at each other for now."You punch like a girl." When Evan said that Ray looked at me and back at Evan."Now you're making fun of Alice, the only girl in the school." His head turned to the wall now his back was to Evan. "Low life."
"Well if you two have the strength to argue than you must be fine." I let out a laugh trying to lighten up the atmosphere. No response. Not even a smile. Everyone was furious at each other. Out of nowhere Mason reappeared in front of me towards Evan. I almost forgot he was in the room."Your arm is swelling keep ice on it, as for your shoulder try to go easy on it for the next few days."
"Really didn't notice Sherlock. Anyone could have told me that." Evan's witty comment didn't even faze Mason. Instead of arguing Mason turned to Ray."You're not as hurt as Evan." He looked puzzled like he was observing some sort of exotic animal. "Most cuts don't heal that fast." The look of his face turned mischievous Ray turned his head just enough so he could see Mason better. "Unless you have had blood recently." My heart I swear stopped for a second, everything slowed down, and a chilly feeling came through me. The nervousness on my face must have been easy to read but I swallowed my feelings and put on my poker face, Ray did the same. "I had some blood at Alice's welcome party."
"That makes sense than. I doubt you would ever drink someone's blood, unless you know." They looked at each other cutting off that sentence. "Well I'm done here." He disappeared into thin air.
"I'm tired." I mumbled to myself but just loud enough for them to hear what I was saying.

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