Chapter 7

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"How was your first day?"

"I made it through. Weird though." He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Yeah I guess you are the only girl. With a uniform like that you stick out like a sore thumb."

"Maybe I should wear a guy uniform." Ray's face had shock written all over it.

"No way! You are perfect you look so hot in that uniform, a guy one would make it worse since it is easy to tell you're a girl." I looked down, I had feature that made it obvious I was not a boy. There was no way to fake being a boy with the way I looked.

"I guess it would be obvious. Still really weird because the girl bathroom is basically my own bathroom."

"You are special."

"I get it, because I am a girl it seems like I special."

"Not because you're a girl. You are special in a lot of other ways." It started getting serious the mood changed drastically from earlier.

"Well Ray I have to go to bed now." I turned away letting go of his hand and began walking.

"Wait!" I turned around. "Let me walk you to your dorm."

"Okay let's go then." He took my hand and we were at the dorm before I knew it. We didn't even talk I was just so zoned out. I reached in my pocket for the key to unlock the door, it was there slightly warm. Letting go of Ray's hand I put it in the door opening it.

"Bye Ray." I let out a smile.

"Goodbye Alice." He looked so full of emotion, like we had the same emotion but I can't describe what emotion it is exactly. The door now locked made me feel even more alone. I put on some pajamas that were in the dresser, it was black with white trim fuzzy and warm with cozy black slippers. After a long day like today I passed out when I laid in bed.

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