Chapter 1

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I always have had trouble making friends... I think it started around third grade when I stopped being social. Looking back, all my relationships I shattered destroying any hope of new relationships from anyone in this world. I kind of prefer it that way, I mean it is not that bad, I get to eat what I want, and the unending silence is always suffocating my house. Since it is only me now I don't have to worry about other people, they are only trouble anyways. Saying my decorating is bad and that it is gothic, only a weirdo would like it. But I can't help it I love the thought of vampires, werewolves, and witches. My teacher gets irritated because I can't write about anything besides the supernatural. Everyone in my school calls me so many names, like witch. It's just is their imagination, it has to be. Being unsocial must be the reason, I don't understand why that makes me a witch though. To be honest what they think about me doesn't really matter at all.

"Alice!" the teacher screams my name.

*bell rings*

"I'll let it slide this time. Have a nice afternoon." She was drawn away to another room.

I hate these steps sometimes, they are always so dangerous but I love that about them too cause no one comes up here. The door is really creaky so really difficult to come up unnoticed. Still it is peaceful, sitting at lunch in the cafeteria alone is just asking for attention. I don't know how to handle being given attention or taken care of.

I opened the door to the outside a warm relaxing breeze flows through my body, sending this strange feeling of being watched came over me. Maybe I am just being paranoid, haven't been sleeping a lot recently. This warm breeze is wonderful makes me never want to move, the bright hot sun makes it even better. Well might as well do some homework while the weather is nice, not many days I can do this. All my homework is done would be a shame to leave right now. I am already done. Well I guess I could relax a little, my eyelids are becoming really heavy, also getting dizzy. My fault, I shouldn't skip sleep so much, but still it usually wouldn't affect me so much.


I try to force my head to turn over towards the door to see who entered, but I ended up only falling over, facing away from the door. What is behind me... is it the teacher... or maybe some weirdo. Not being able to move and a weirdo is behind me can't let this happen. The footsteps getting closer every second making my heart beat like a drum. I felt like I was trying to swim with ninety pound weights attached to my arms, legs, head, and back. But I continued to force myself, feeling like someone was holding me down, I turned around and no one was there but the door was open.

I felt someone behind me, who though, and how did they get behind me? Unable to move anymore I laid there parlayed with something behind me. A voice sounding like an angel to the point where it was almost demonic.

He politely asked, "Miss. Alice are you alright?" Should I be scared or happy? What am I feel like I am getting even sleepier by the second.

I forced out the words, "I am fine... Just need to sleep... maybe..."

After I said that he moved in front of me and spoke a word with his demonic eyes staring directly at me, what was he looking at? He looked so puzzled.

Under his breath in wonder he mumbled, "What are you..."

I got up, not looking at the person. I felt like I had to make it off the school a soon as possible before I couldn't leave. Running like something was chasing me, almost as if I was running for my life. The staircase never ended each step down making me feel heavier and heavier, harder to pick up my feet each time. I reached the bottom of the stairs, running to the door as I felt like it took forever. When I got to the door a shiver flew down my spine. I shook my head and reminded myself, only your imagination being restless is only messing with my head. As I opened the door it screeched loudly and I found myself in the principal's office.

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