Chapter One

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(Eren's POV)

Almost a month ago now, the world flipped upside down almost overnight. To think, just a few months ago Armin, Mikasa, and I; Eren Jeager were joking about how cool a zombie apocalypse would be and how we would kill all the zombies that crossed our path, but now that it's happened it isn't so cool anymore and we have just been avoiding the zombies, not killing them. People started getting sick around the world, and after being sick for a few days they just lose it and go on a homicidal rampage. So many people got sick so quickly that the military was called, but even they couldn't do much to stop it. On top of that I lost my friends a few days ago, I think they must have thought I was dead and kept on walking. All of us were heading to Canada where we hoped that with the smaller population density in parts of Canada it would be better there. We ran into a group of almost twenty zombies and got separated sometime after that trying to run away, we didn't have the power to try and fight off that many zombies all at once at the time. Now that I think about it though, I don't even have a weapon to protect myself against one of those things. I wasn't normally the one who had the weapons, that was Mikasa. She wouldn't let me carry anything because she said I was too clumsy and I would get myself hurt, but now she is no where around and I have nothing to protect myself with!

I don't really know where I am, I think some time after getting away from the group of zombies I must have hit my head because my memories of the past few days are kind of blurry. The last I remember we were somewhere near Rock River, Wyoming. Now though, I am in a larger town. I guess I should find someplace with a map and something I can use to protect myself. Right now I am no where near a store I can raid, that's probably one of the fun things about the zombie apocalypse you can go into a store and take whatever you like, there's nobody there to stop you. The reason there is nobody there isn't the best... but still! it's fun! I just need to find a store somewhere. Where I am now is the residential part of this town, I think I see a gas station only a few blocks from here though.


oh no. please tell me that wasn't what I think it was. I start jogging a bit while I turn around just in case I need to start sprinting toward the gas station. Well my guess was correct, I now have a zombie chasing me and whoever gave people the idea that zombies are slow definitely didn't know the real thing. They are like olympic sprinters, I have no idea how anyone or anything can run that fast. The only hope I have of getting away is to either run as fast as I can to the gas station and hope I make it, or run into one of the houses and hope there is nobody or nothing in there and that the door isn't locked. I think I will take my chances with one of the houses, I was never a big runner. I turn to run into the house on my left, the zombie came from the right so hopefully it will have to run just a little bit more to get to me this way. I jump up the stairs leading to the house and try opening the door, but it's locked. I turn around to see how close the zombie is to me, it's across the street but it is running as fast as it can so I don't have much time.

(Levi's POV)

What an idiot. A brown haired boy is walking in the middle of the street, and it doesn't even look like he has any way to protect himself. Should I help him out? Well I wouldn't have peace of mind if I didn't so I guess I have to. I pick up my weapon of choice, a handgun that I thankfully found a silencer for; I know it doesn't really silence it but it does make it quieter. I am not a big fan of guns, they are really loud but it is better than using a machete or using any kind of blades like that, I could get blood on me if I use one of those; so I use it as my last resort. I take a machete with me if my gun ever decides to act up when I find myself in trouble. I also have a smaller knife that I use rarely so I plan on giving it to the boy. It probably wouldn't do much good but it sure is better than nothing.

Before I could go outside though I hear the door handle move, someone is trying to open the door. It must be that boy, I look out the window and sure enough the boy is standing outside the door staring at the zombie coming after him. Well that saves me the trouble of having to go outside. I go back over to the door and open it, the boy falls into the house when I open the door. I aim my gun and shot the zombie twice in the head then slam the door close and lock it again.

"Now do you understand how idiotic it is to walk in the middle of the street like that?" The boy didn't respond to me, he just stared at me in shock.

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