Chapter Five

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(Eren's POV)

I woke up to arms wrapped around me. At first I was scared, but then I remembered that I was sleeping in the same bed as Levi. Which would mean that Levi has his arms wrapped around me. I could feel my face heating up at the thought of that, and he told me to stay on my side of the bed! There has to be a way I can wake him up; maybe I should just try to get out of the bed and go from there. After a few failed attempts to free myself from his grip I faced the fact that I would need him to wake up or move before I could get out of this bed.

"Levi." I barely whisper it and realize that my throat is sore; I must have been sleeping with my mouth open. Levi didn't make any move though. He's still asleep. I started nudging him to try and get him to wake up. Three nudges with my elbow seemed to do the trick because he was off me in a flash.

"What the fuck?"

"I could say the same to you. I thought the rule was to stay on your own side." I said jokingly and finally got up. I was so happy to finally be free.

"Shut up brat. We should start getting ready; we have a long walk ahead of us." Levi said while walking out of the room. He didn't make any other mention toward the 'situation' in which we woke up, so I decided that I wasn't going to bring it up again. Waking up like that wasn't all that bad though. I brushed away the thought quickly and started heading down the stairs into the living room that has our bags in it. We do have a long walk ahead of us, Levi told me that it would take all day and then some.

Once we finished preparing everything for the trip and got done eating we started on our walk. We were walking through the city for the first hour of the walk. I was very fidgety and nervous because cities have a lot of hiding places for zombies. At the beginning of the walk I tried to talk to Levi, but he told me to shut up because he had the street names we had to turn onto memorized so he didn't want me to mess him up so we would get lost or he would have to get out the map. Seriously though, why do they have to make it so difficult to fold and unfold those things anyway? Levi did say that we are going to be out of the city soon though; I just hope that we don't run into anything. The street we are on looks like it just ends. This must be where we are going to be on a trail from here on, so that means I will be able to talk to Levi again. I really want to get to know the person that I am going to Canada with.

"Levi, can we talk now?"

"I guess. We are out of the city, but we still need to stay alert so keep that in mind." From what I observed from him today at the beginning of our walk; he seems to be very nervous. I don't know if it is because we are going to places neither of us have been before or if it is something else. We both are armed so I am not really worried about if we run into zombies. I mean we both have guns, Levi has a machete, and I have an axe. What more could you need? Well other than a flamethrower; only because it would be cool.

"Okay, so... what was your life like before all of this happened?" I feel it would be easier to get to know him better if I learn about how he used to live his life; when everything was normal that is.

"Brat, why would you want to know that?" Levi didn't turn to look at me when he responded. Now that I think about it though; why am I always walking behind him? So I jog to catch up to him. Standing next to each other would also make having conversations easier.

"Well I feel like we should get to know each other better since we are going to be spending a lot of time together now." I gave him a smile in hope that it would make him open up, at least a little bit.

"Fine, if you want to know my backstory why don't you tell me yours first."

"O-okay, well I didn't mean a whole overview of your life just what you spent most of you time doing just before this happened. I was planning on starting college sometime this year, but obviously that isn't going to happen." I spread my arms out to emphasize the situation we are in.

"What were you planning on going to college for?" Levi looked at me with a face of slight interest. Which is probably the most emotion I will get out of him today; maybe even all week.

"Programming, video games were my life." Too bad I will not be able play any of my favorite video games again. "So, now it's your turn to open up."

"I used to work at a cafe that I owned with my friends Isabel and Farlan." Wait.. What? Levi working at a cafe. I could have pictured him as a police officer or someone in the military due to his personality, but a cafe? Just then I started trying to picture him working at a stereotypical cafe. I imagined myself going into the cafe and seeing him standing there; only about two feet taller than the counter with pitch black hair and his face looking like he's not afraid to cut you if you piss him off. The image almost made me laugh, and I would have laughed if I hadn't seen Levi's face out of the corner of my eye. He had the same 'I will cut you face' that he had when I pictured him working at the cafe.

"Well, what happened to your friends?"

"Tch none of your fucking business brat." Shit, why did I have to ask that? Obviously something bad happened to them if they aren't here right now.

"Sorry, you're right. I shouldn't have asked that."

~ time skip, three hours~

"Levi please! We need to take a break! I'm dying here!" We have been non stop walking all day. It's past noon and I am starving; I can tell that it's around noon because the sun is high in the sky and my stomach is growling almost non-stop.

"Okay brat." Levi finally set his bag down and took a seat on one of the rocks along the path we are walking on.

"Thanks shorty." Shorty gave me a glare but I just stuck my tongue out in return. I told him that as long as he is calling my brat I am going to call him shorty. I took a seat on a rock next to Levi and started digging through my bag. Finally I can sit down and eat! It's strange, we haven't seen any animals around here. It's more of a desert mountain rage so I would have expected to see some kinds of snakes or something, but there is nothing which makes it eerily quiet.

It didn't even feel like fifteen minutes passed by when we started walking again. I really hate this...

~time skip, six hours~

Now the sun was almost all of the way below the horizon. We have been walking all day and my legs are killing me.

"Eren are you okay?" I started slowing down the past hour, my legs are beginning to feel like jelly. Levi and I are walking on a road now so it's a little easier than the trail we were on.

"I'm just really tired, you said that you know a place where we could stay tonight. Are we almost there?"

(Levi's POV)

"Yeah, you should be able to see it any second now." We were walking a little slower than I had hoped, but at least we made it this far. The map I have shows that there is a resort not to far from where we are so I decided that it might be good if we could find someplace inside one of the buildings so we could rest. Also I have no intention of sleeping on the ground anytime soon if I can help it. Ah, there it is. This is a risky move though; I just hope that most of the zombies have left this area.

"Whoa! that place is awesome! Is that the place you were talking about?"

"Yes, but be alert because there are most likely going to be zombies there." The resort was huge; there used to be a golf course next to it and it was right next to a lake. I just hope I made the right decision to come here.

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