Chapter Twenty

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(Eren's POV)

I couldn't stay with Levi for long. It pained me to see him so sick. Even though I had nothing better to do, I left the room and started organizing the storage room again. It had become a mess again over time. Also, I knew Levi would be mad if he saw this room like that, so I started cleaning it so when he finally was cured he wouldn't get mad. I still haven't heard any news from Hanji about the progress on the cure. Last time I checked on her, she was doing something with a microscope.

After I was done cleaning the storage room I went and looked out a window. There really isn't a lot for me to do without Levi, and Hanji is off doing whatever it is she does. As I started looking around the place I noticed how desolate everything looked. There weren't even any zombies limping around. I started to get an idea from looking out the window.

I checked on Hanji who was still working, then I opened the door to the stairwell, trying to stay quiet. I closed the door and made sure it was locked again. Hanji had given me a key to get back in so I didn't have to worry about getting locked out. I made my way down the stairs; trying to stay quiet for the first few steps. I am going to find something for Levi for when Hanji finds the cure and he finally gets better.

I didn't walk far when I found a place that looked pretty promising. When I walked into the building; it looked a lot better than the other buildings around the IDRI building. While I was looking around the place I was thinking about what he would want. Maybe I could find a gun that works, or maybe even just a new machete. Whichever one I found first I guess. As I was making my way to the back of the building I heard something fall. Instinctively I jumped to the side of the room to get out of the line of vision from the doorway. A zombie started walking out of the doorway; I wonder how many are back there. Should I even try looking? Zombies don't bother me but that doesn't mean that I want to be around them.

I decided to just take a look. If there were too many of them then I would just leave the building. I reached the doorway and stood at the side because there wasn't much light in the room and the doorway was the source of most of the light in the room. What I saw was disturbing; there was a large group of zombies staggering about in that room. I guess this place really isn't where I should be looking. I was about to leave when something seemed to happen to the zombies in the room. All of them started running for the door. Are they going after me? I jumped out of the way. Landing to the side of the doorway. Thankfully they weren't focusing on me; they just ran out of the building. Curious about what is going on, I started following them. Even though they were running like olympic sprinters, at least the ones that could run, I was able to keep up for a short while, but I realized it would be best to stay close to the IDRI building so I don't get lost. I'm out here to get something for Levi and it would all be for nothing if I got myself lost.

After a few hours of looking around I finally found a place that had some things in it that I think Levi would like. The store had some decorative swords and other various knives. I just picked the one that looked the best to me, and took one for myself too. Finally I can head back. Hopefully Hanji didn't realize that I had left.

It took me a while to make it back to the building, but thankfully it's pretty big so I could find it easily. If it had been smaller I probably would have gotten lost and never made it back. Quietly, I snuck my way into the hallway. trying to close the door so it wouldn't make any sound; however, even though I closed the door quietly Hanij was in the hallway the second it was closed.

"Eren where were you? I got really bored without anyone to do tests on." Strangely she didn't seem mad that I had left without telling her. I wonder if she told Levi I had left.

"I went to get something for Levi, and in the process I got something for myself too. I didn't get anything for you though, sorry." I showed her the weapons I had brought back with me.

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