Chapter Thirteen

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(Eren's POV)

When I woke up I noticed that the zombie that had been in the gas station last night had left. I felt grateful to have been able to sleep and not get interrupted; it feels like it has been forever since I have been able to sleep without being rudely awoken by something. I got up and stretched before I was going to start walking again. Part of me feels like I'm just walking around without a destination anymore but at the same time I have the feeling I know exactly where I am going. I was about to walk out of the entrance to the gas station when my stomach started growling like a cornered dog; now that I think about it I don't remember the last time I had something to eat, or even what it was. With most of the food all over the floor I highly doubt any of the food in here is edible. Even with my doubts I decided to look and see if I could find anything that I would be able to eat. I don't know when the next time I will find someplace that has food will be anyways. Something is better than nothing I guess.

It didn't take me long to realize that nothing here was edible, so I left and started walking again.

I headed towards the city, walking through streets I don't even know, but I feel like I am heading the right way. Every once in awhile I would go into buildings to see if they had any food in them. I was so hungry I was almost crippled by the pain in my stomach. The city I am in is really big. I could see some skyscrapers not to far from where I am. I just hope that I can find something to eat soon.

It didn't take me long to find someplace that had something I could eat. In fact I took a whole box of granola bars, you never know when you are going to find food so it's better to be safe than sorry. After I had gotten my 'lunch' or whatever meal time it would be, probably close to lunch time because the sun is almost right on top of me now, I started walking around the city again. I took a turn at the next intersection and kept on walking, not focusing on what's in front of me; I really wish I did though. By the time I looked up I was only about fifteen feet away from a small group of zombies. Why must they almost always be in groups? I was lucky enough that they hadn't noticed me so I quickly ran into one of the buildings on the closest side of the street. What was I doing not paying attention like that? This is still the zombie apocalypse. Once I got into the building and hid myself behind one of the walls that hid me from the window I started to relax again. I grabbed another granola bar out of the box I had and started eating it. The one I had before didn't satisfy my hunger but it was enough so I thought that I could keep on walking and eat when I got really hungry, but now that I am going to be stuck here for a little while I thought that it would be a perfect time to get some eating in. I really hope that I can find Levi soon. It's kind of weird to me how much I miss him. We barely knew each other but I still liked being around him. Actually I think I might have feelings for him. At the resort he had kissed me, and I liked it. A lot in fact, but he left me so something must have happened. I need to find him so I can find out what happened, and so I can just be able see him again.

Before I could get lost deeper in thought a sound from inside the building caught my attention. It sounded like something was knocked over. It might just have been some of the ceiling falling or a picture falling from the wall. This place was basically falling apart anyways so it most likely was that, but something didn't feel right. I don't think the zombies outside had noticed me and I would think that they would be running to get me so they should have already gotten to me by now, but I didn't check in here before I had entered this place. I guess I should just check this place so I can calm myself down. Leaving the box of granola bars where I set it down, I got up to walk over and look at the front part of the building. Just before I made it to the end of the wall I was hiding behind I stopped. I have a bad feeling about this, but it's probably just because I saw the zombies outside. I take a big breath to gain the courage to look at what was on the other side of this wall. What I saw was definitely not what I was expecting. There had to be almost twenty zombies in here. I have no idea where they could have come from and in such a short amount of time. I was just about to jump back and hide behind the wall when one of them came out from the other side of the wall and stood right in front of me. My body stiffened then and I couldn't move; I was terrified. How could all of them show up without me hearing them? The zombie that was standing in front of me started moving towards me, but I still couldn't move all I was able to do was close my eyes in hope I wouldn't see what was going to happen. After standing there for a while with my eyes closed waiting for pain of being bitten on some part of my body I opened my eyes to see what was going on. All of the zombies were still there but they didn't pay any attention to me, and the one that was moving towards me actually went around me into the back of the building. I don't understand what is going on. Shouldn't they be tearing me apart right now? Now that I think about it the one in the gas station last night acted the same way. Is there something wrong with me that makes them act like this? Or worse, am I actually one of them and I just don't realize it? What am I thinking; that is stupid, I am not trying to eat anything with a pulse so I am obviously not one of them, but why aren't they trying to eat me? I shouldn't stay here and ponder much longer in case they decide to eat me. I start walking out of the building hoping that they will keep on ignoring me like they have been.

I made it out of the store safely and have been walking for a few minutes now, and unfortunately I just remembered the box of granola bars I had left in the building. So now I am just walking around without a real idea of where I am going and with no food again. I just hope that I meet someone soon, preferably Levi. The direction I am walking has taken me deeper into the city and the farther I got the taller the buildings have gotten. Most of the time I wasn't focusing on where I was going; I was too busy admiring the buildings around me. I am not used to seeing buildings this tall, and since I found out that zombies won't come after me I haven't been hiding from them; even though each time I pass by one I get a weird feeling that I need to run. When I made my next turn I looked down the road and found a pileup of cars. It was nothing new so I didn't really pay attention until I got closer and my attention was drawn to one of the closer cars. The blood on the inside of the car looked new and was still dripping.

(Levi's POV)

The manic I let drive was the first one of us that woke up after the car crash. She then woke me up and insisted that we start running to her workplace because it wasn't too far, but both of us had sustained bad head injuries because neither of us thought about wearing seat belts.

"Hey Levi, how much longer are we going to have to stay here because this is getting really boring?" We both thought that staying in the car was a bad thing to do so we are now hiding in a building not to far from where we crashed.

"Could you keep your mouth shut for a little while?" I had cleaned off as much blood from my clothes as I could but they were still completely filthy, and the cut on my head just wouldn't stop bleeding. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to but Hanji; no matter how many time she says she is fine, is not fine. It seems as though she might have gotten a concussion. While we were walking to the building she would keep on going off course and couldn't walk in a straight line for longer than a few feet without help, but unfortunately she still won't keep her mouth shut.

"Levi there's someone out there! HEY PERSON! COULD YOU HELP US?"

"Hanji fucking shut up; you almost got me killed once today! Isn't that enough for one day?" I started running toward where she was sitting on the other side of the room so I could get her to shut up. Once I made it over to where she was sitting I used my hand to cover her mouth. I followed her gaze and looked outside through the doorway we had entered. When my eyes finally focused on who was out there a strange feeling came over me. Then it finally hit me; the brown hair and slim body. He was even wearing the same clothes he was wearing when I left him at the gas station. It was Eren. My heart started beating quickly. He was dead, how could he be walking around and even make it this far in such a short time? Something brought me out of my train of thought though. While I was focusing on the familiar boy outside Hanji had been licking my hand trying to get me to move my hand away. Which I did and wiped all of the saliva she had gotten on my hand onto her shirt.

"What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." Hanji started laughing after that remark causing Eren to look at us. If there was any doubt about who he was it vanished the second he looked at me. Even though I could barely see his face, I could still see faint outlines of his facial features. At first he was timidly walking towards where we were, but once he got closer he started getting faster until he was almost running. Every second he got closer I started getting stronger feelings of happiness, sadness, and worse of all guilt. I had left him at that gas station all by himself. He will never forgive me for that. Once he was only a few steps away from us I realized he wasn't going to stop running, and he had tears in his eyes. When he finally reached me he wrapped his arms around me almost knocking me over.

"Levi I missed you so much."

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