Chapter Two

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(Levi's POV)

"Well are you just going to sit there? Or are you going to do something? But if you are going to be walking around this house take off your shoes first, you already made a mess." Since I opened the door the boy hadn't said anything and didn't really move other than just sit up. I take a seat in the only living room chair there is in this house, there is also a love-seat. When I first entered this house there was a lot more furniture but a lot of it was covered in blood so I put it in the backyard and burnt it all.

"Thanks for that, my name is Eren by the way." Finally the boy said something.

"You're welcome, and good to know." Eren had walked into the living room and sat down on the small couch, thankfully he listened to me before and took off his shoes so he didn't get dirt all over the place. Not that his clothes were all that clean.

"Well, um. What's your name?" He was looking at me now and I noticed he had really uniquely colored blue green eyes. They really looked good with his hair color.

"Levi." I barely mumbled because I didn't feel like having a conversation with this boy, but of course I let him in so now I am stuck with him.

"What was that?" He was looking at me like it was a miracle I responded to him.

"My name is Levi, now why are you here?" I didn't mean to sound as stern as I did but it didn't seem to bother him much.

"Oh, well I kind of don't know where here is. So could you tell me where I am?" The boy let out a nervous laugh, how could he not know where he is? it isn't a smart thing to walk around aimlessly, that's how you run into trouble.

"You're in Boulder City, Nevada." He looked genuinely surprised by that response.

(Eren's POV)

I can't believe this! Not only do I not know how I got here but I was heading the wrong way the whole time. Wait, it's almost a two week walk from Rock River to here. That means I must have been out of it for over a week! How am I still alive? That doesn't matter right now, all I need to do is find Mikasa and Armin.

"Levi, do you know where I could find a map? and maybe some supplies?"

"Yeah, I know where you can find a store with those things in it, but of course it is on the other side of town." Levi let out a little smirk after that, which was the most expression I have seen on his face yet. "Well, lets go."

"Levi you don't have to come with me."

"I know, but I really have nothing better to do." I am not sure if him going with me will be a good idea, but of course he did just save my life so he can't be all that bad. I noticed when we were going out the door that Levi took a moment to glare at the dirt on the floor from my shoes, I guess he really hates dirt. I threw on my shoes and started following Levi.

"So Levi. Did you live in that house before this all started? Or was that just a house you were staying at for the time being?" It felt awkward for us to walk and not talk at all so I wanted to start a conversation with him, but the look he gave me after I tried starting a conversation made it clear he wasn't in the mood to talk. Well this is going to be a very long walk. I didn't pay much attention to this before but I now realized that the man in front of me is about a whole foot smaller than me. This made me laugh a little bit, I thought it was quiet enough that Levi wouldn't hear me, but obviously he has the hearing of a bat because he turned around to face me before I could muffle my laugh.

"What's so funny?" He looked really annoyed already so I knew telling him the truth was not an option, unless I wanted to get my ass kicked.

"Sorry, I have a bad habit of laughing in awkward situations." I hope he would believe me, I have never been a good liar. I gave him a shy smile in hopes that would convince him more. Please, please believe me.

"Whatever brat."

"Hey! I am not a brat!"

"You sure sound like one to me." Well this might not be the best way to start a conversation, but at least I got him to start talking to me. So there is no way I am letting the conversation end like this.

"So, do you have any friends with you?" Levi turned around and started walking away. I wasn't sure if he answered or not, but with his attitude I wouldn't be surprised if that answer was a no. "Well I am actually trying to find my friends, we got separated a few days ago, but I know where they will be heading so that's why I want to find a map." Levi didn't respond to me this time so I guess he isn't in the mood to talk anymore. I ruined my chance to find out more about him.

(Levi's POV)

That brat sure is annoying, but I can't complain too much. this is the first time in what feels like over a month that I have met someone who didn't want to kill me. I occasionally looked behind me to make sure he wasn't falling behind or that there wasn't any zombies following us. I don't think we will run into any until we get to the store though. I made a lot of trips around this town so I know most of the zombies are not around the residential parts, but there are always a few hanging around the houses. We still had almost a mile more to walk before we would make it to the store.

"Hey brat, where are you and your friends planning on going? because if you hadn't realized, this is how it is everywhere." I turned around so I could look at him and make sure he would respond and hadn't fallen behind. "Shit." There were three zombies running up behind us. "Eren get out of the way." I aimed and shot one of the zombies.

"WHAT WAS THAT? you almost shot me!"

"Just turn around." The brat still had no idea that there were zombies running this way. He's clueless, I can't believe he lived this long. Finally he turned around, when he realized that there were zombies only about ten feet from where he was standing; he moved out of the way so I could shoot them.

"Why didn't you tell me they were right behind me!"

"Well if you listen to me in the first place then they would have never gotten that close to you or me." I turned around and started walking away quicker than before, I didn't want to stay there in case more showed up.

(Eren's POV)

"Are we there yet?" It feels like I have been walking for hours, but of course I probably have been. There better be food there too, I can't remember the last time I had something to eat.

"Now you sound even more like a whiny brat. Anyway; yeah we are almost there, so don't ask me that again." Yes! Please have food, please have food. I wish I felt this hungry before, Levi probably had some food in the house he was staying in. We turned a corner and I saw the store, a completely abandoned Walmart. I never knew I would be this happy to see one of those.

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