Chapter Seven

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(Eren's POV)

I wasn't able to go to sleep all night long. So many things kept going through my head. How did I get those bites on my back? I have no memory of getting bitten on the back so it had to have happened during the time I had blacked out. Was Levi trying to kiss me? His face kept getting close and closer to mine; I was actually tempted to just kiss him and I should have. If only horse face didn't interrupt us. I've already decided that no matter what happens I am going to hate him.

I could see the sun starting to come through the windows to the room, and only now do I start feeling exhausted. Well maybe I could get a few seconds of sleep; I start to close my eyes and I can feel my brain starting to slow down.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I swear if it's Jean I will slam the door in his face multiple times.

"Eren. Levi. Everyone is going to the kitchen to have breakfast. If you're awake you should come too. It would be a good way to meet everyone; not that there are a lot of people here though." The voice was a soft woman's voice so it had to be Petra. I could hear Levi starting to get up. Well any hope I had of getting some sleep went away in that moment.

"Oi brat, Are you going to get up?" I really don't want to get up.

"Yeah." I started to slowly get up when something was thrown at me. "What's this?" It was a shirt and some pants. Where did he get those?

"When you were in the bathroom Erwin gave me some clothes for us since the clothes we were wearing were dirty."

"Oh. Okay." I stood up and started putting on the clothes that Levi had thrown at me. When I got up I looked around the room to make sure that this room was safe out of habit. Nothing had changed about this room and the windows were covered. Which I am thankful for. I looked back to the bedroom where Levi was and found him wearing only his boxers. My face started heating up right away; I looked away so fast that it hurt my neck yet I kept on wanting to look back.

"Are you ready to go yet brat?" Levi had already finished changing and I haven't even started.

"No, you should just go and start meeting everyone." I started to get changed but I stopped. Levi was just leaning on the wall next to the door and was watching me get changed. I started blushing and turned around to get changed; there is no way I could get changed while he was staring at me. When I took of my pants and change into the new pair I could have swore I heard him mumble something like "Nice ass" or something but that most definitely can't be it. "D-did you say something Levi?" I turned around to see his smug face.

"I didn't say anything." He said that he didn't but his facial expression doesn't convince me of that. I quickly changed after that and head toward the door to leave the room. "Took you long enough brat."

"You didn't have to wait for me shorty." The more he calls me brat the more it is starting to sound like a pet name rather than in insult, but I'm still going to call him shorty. That can be my pet name for him. We started walking down the hallway toward the kitchen, and the only way we knew where it was was because we could hear someone yelling and people laughing. We didn't have much farther to go thankfully. The voices were getting pretty loud. My first view into the kitchen had to be Jean's smug horse-face. He was talking to Marco.

"Hey! You two finally made it here. I was actually scared that you got lost because you were taking so long and I was just about to get you." Petra said as she walked over to where we are standing. "So everyone is here finally." I looked around to see everyone here; which only ended up being Petra, Erwin, Horse-face, and Marco. "Also Eren and Levi; that's Jean and Marco." she pointed to where they were sitting. Petra pulled somethings out of the multiple fridges in the room. "Do you two like parfaits?"

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