Chapter Sixteen

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(Eren's POV)

When I woke up the first thing I saw was a face just inches from mine. I could feel heavy breathing on my face and jumped back. I hit something before I could get to far away from whoever it was right in front of me.

"What the hell brat?" The thing that I had bumped into had been Levi. I didn't know he was sleeping so close to me. My face started heating up even though now is not the time to be focusing on stupid things like that. Who or what is right in front of me? Levi had turned around and was looking in the same direction as me, his eyes seemed to adjust to the dark quicker than mine because he seemed to relax pretty quickly. I still could barely make out the shape of the person right in front of me. "Hanji what the hell are you doing?"

"I was observing Eren while he was sleeping to see if he had any strange sleep patterns that could point to a reason for the infected ignoring him. Also Levi, you snore a lot." Hanji, that's who was watching me sleep. The thought gave me shivers, why does she have to be so weird sometimes? I guess I am going to have to put up with it though because Levi seems to like her.

"What time is it?" I ask, if she's awake then maybe we should have been awake sooner.

"It's two in the morning." Hanji started laughing, even though no one said anything funny. She really can be creepy at times.

"Do you ever sleep?" Levi asked while turning over, probably to try and go back to sleep.

"Actually I normally have a good sleeping schedule, but tonight I had a few cups of coffee and this seemed like the best thing to do. So don't mind me; just go back to sleep. I might find something that could be helpful to my research." I don't know how she expects me to go to sleep knowing that she is watching me.

"Hanji, I don't think I will be able to sleep with you staring at me."

"Oh, okay then. I'll come back once you fall asleep. Bye!" She waved and then ran out of the room hitting the door on her way out.

"Please don't come back to watch me sleep." I whispered, not expecting a response because I had completely forgotten about Levi laying next to me.

"Brat don't worry about it. If she comes back I will kick her out."

"Thanks Levi." I started laying back down so I could get back to sleep; making sure to leave some space in between me and Levi. After a few minutes I started to drift off, but I was awakened by an arm wrapping around me.

"Brat, I'm freezing. Get over here and warm me up." He then preceded to pull me closer to him. I felt my heart beginning to flutter and I was both happy and nervous. I could feel Levi's breath on the back of my neck and he had his arm wrapped around me. Being so close to him made me feel safe, and I fell asleep in just a few minutes. Even though I didn't want to fall asleep so I wouldn't miss even a few seconds of this.


"Hanji what the fuck are you doing to Eren?" That was the last thing I wanted to hear when I woke up.

"What's going on?" I asked, even though my eyes were open I still couldn't see things clearly because I opened my eyes to quickly.

"Relax Levi, I was just checking his pulse. I was recording data on his sleep. I told you I was going to do that, but since you two are up again why don't we just have breakfast." By now my eyes were well adjusted and I could see that Hanji was at the end of the bed and Levi was standing next to her staring at her with his normal "I will kill you" face. I find it funny that Levi is one of the shortest guys I have met, but he is by far the most intimidating. "Who wants donuts?!" Hanji said with a big smile across her face. She then left the room to go get the donuts she was talking about. I sat up and put my feet down on the floor but didn't leave them there for long. The tile floor was freezing.

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