Chapter Fourteen

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(Levi's POV)

Neither of us said anything for a while. I wanted to say something but everything was spinning in my head. Eren was dead, but he's right here alive and well. At first I thought he would hate me for having leaving him there, but that doesn't seem to be the case. After our quick hug we have just been standing right in front of each other staring at each other. I had forgotten about the maniac, that almost got me killed not too long before, when she had to open her mouth again.

"Well we should get to the introductions, but it seems like you two already know each other so it shouldn't take to long. My name's Hanji!" Hanji stood up and stuck out her hand to shake hands with Eren.

"Huh?" Eren looked like he had also completely forgotten about her. "I'm Eren." He shook hands with her and when he did she pulled him into a hug. What is wrong with her?

"It's wonderful to meet a friend of Levi's. Honestly, he doesn't seem like someone who's very social." She tried whispering the last part to him so I couldn't hear, but she couldn't whisper if it would save her life. "If it wasn't for Levi I would be dead by now."

"It's more of a surprise that you have lived this long to begin with." I responded. I don't even know what she is talking about when she said that if it wasn't for me she would be dead right now; we still might die. The building we are in is not a very good hiding spot. There are windows all over the place and not a lot of places to hide in here.

"Oh really? How did you two meet up anyways?" Eren asked. He actually looked really interested in what the answer was.

"She crashed her car outside of where I was staying, and we are stuck here because she crashed another car. It was stupid of me to let her drive in the first place."

"Well I don't think it's that bad. I mean we are able to see each other again because you are here. If you didn't get stuck here then you would be long gone and we would probably never see each other again." Eren did have a point with that, and the way things turned out isn't too bad I guess. At least we still haven't been found by any zombies yet, but our luck might run out.

"Hanji, are you feeling any better?" I asked her even though she didn't seem to be paying attention anymore.

"I told you I felt fine before. Are we finally going to go?! If we leave now we will be able to make it back before it gets dark, and I am getting really hungry." Hanji was already heading out the door. She was still wobbling every once in awhile but we did need to leave soon. I started following her and checked to make sure that Eren was walking also. He was standing next to me and it felt as though things have gotten awkward all of a sudden. I don't know why that would be though. Once we walked out the door of the building and had gotten reasonably close to the idiot we were following I decided that I should say something.

"Eren, what happened to you? When we made it to the gas station..."

"I actually don't know. All I remember is making it to the outside of the gas station and then showing up here. Anything in between that I can't remember. Did something bad happen? Is that why you are here and didn't stay with me." The last part he said felt like a dagger to the chest. I truly did feel guilty about leaving him there. He could have really died and it would have been my fault.

"You stopped breathing and I couldn't feel your heartbeat. I thought you were dead."

"What?" Eren sounded like he had just been punched. When I turned to my side I could see that his expression matched his voice. He had stopped completely.

"I tried CPR, but I couldn't get your heat to start beating again. I am so sorry I left you there." I had expected him to be mad at me for leaving him there all alone or for not trying hard enough, but I wasn't expected for what really happened. Eren hugged me again.

"Levi, I don't know what happened to me, but I'm sorry that I made you think I was dead."

"What are you talking about brat. You couldn't change it if you wanted to, so don't say sorry."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Do you know where we are?"

"No, you would probably get an answer from the idiot that is leading us through this city."

"Don't worry we're really close!" Hanji yelled from in front of us. She had slowed down a lot; probably to be able to listen in on our conversation. "Oh yes, Eren! I need to ask you something! Can I use your blood for my research?"

"What?" Eren looked genuinely scared when she got right up in his face to ask that question. "What would you use my blood for?"

"Oh did I forget to tell you? I am a scientist; I'm trying to find a cure or a vaccine for the virus. Levi already agreed to let me use his blood for my research! Right Levi?"

"Yeah, but Eren, you don't have to let her use your blood if you don't want to." I am scared that if she does look at Eren's blood she might find something. He has been bitten before but he's fine, or at least it seems like he is.

"So you're a scientist. Have you ever heard of someone getting bitten by a zombie and not getting infected." Eren asked.

"No, and I don't know if that could ever happen. This virus affects the brain so as long as you have a functioning brain it will affect the person infected, so the only real way you could not be affected is if you were in a coma or had very little brain activity..." She was still going on about the virus when movement from one of the buildings to our left caught my attention.

"Well that's really interesting and all but I think we should find a better place to talk about all of this."

"Huh? Oooo time to play some high risk tag! I bet you I can make it to the IDRI in under a minute." Hanji started laughing and running away; I really have no idea what is wrong with her. There were a few zombies coming out from different places around us. I started following her and made sure that Eren was keeping up.

"What does she mean by high risk tag?"

"I don't know. Nothing she does makes much sense." We kept running and took a right turn. Hanji started running for a building that looked more like a collage then a research center.

"Hurry up you two!" She had made it too the front door and was waiting for us to catch up. I checked behind me to make sure that Eren was still close. He had tripped and fell on the curb though, and the zombies that were chasing us were getting really close to him. I started running back to help him, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it there in time. Eren turned around and must have thought the same thing.

"Levi just keep going, I will be fine." I kept running towards him. There was no way I was going to leave him again. Eren didn't seem like he was planning on getting up though.

"Brat, get up and start running! I don't want to have to carry your ass inside." Eren did start to get up but the zombies had already reached him. I was expecting them to start eating him but they just kept on running past him and were running straight for me. "Shit." I stopped. Why are they completely ignoring Eren? Why didn't he tell me about that? Now isn't time to be asking myself questions; the zombies are heading right for me and if I don't move now I might not make it to the safety of the building. I turned around and started running to where Hanji was standing.

Once I made it inside we started running through the building. I don't know where we are going, and I wish we would have stayed by the door so I could make sure that Eren was still okay.

"What happened out there? I have never seen zombies ignore someone before." Hanji asked once we made it to a room that looks like it was once a laboratory but has been turned into a bedroom.

"I don't know, but once we have the chance we have to go outside and get him."

"Of course, it will probably be over an hour before all of the zombies are gone. I really want to test his blood now. If they ignore him; his blood might be the thing I need to make a cure." I didn't pay attention to what Hanji said and started walking to a room that was connected to the laboratory turned bedroom. This room had windows that looked out over the entrance of the building. When I looked out the window I saw Eren sitting on one of the benches right outside the front door with zombies not even ten feet away from him and they didn't even look over to where he was sitting. What happened to him when he was bitten?

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