Chapter Twelve

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(Eren's POV)

I have no idea what happened. The last thing I remember is leaving the resort with Levi, Jean, and Marco. Now I am in some kind of city. I'm all alone and I have no idea where anyone is. why did they leave me? Did something happen to me after I was bitten? Please tell me that I didn't hurt any of them. I also noticed that my necklace is missing; I never took that thing off. My father had given that to me when I was younger and he put a time capsule in the backyard of our house at that time so I could open it when I got older. I hope I can find someone soon, and I really hope I can see Levi again, but I have no idea where he could be. . .

(Levi's POV)

"SHIT! ARE YOU TRYING TO CRASH THIS CAR TOO?" In the first few minutes of her driving I realized how it was actually more of a surprise that she hasn't gotten herself killed already.

"What? There's no laws and I'm trying to make the most of it while it lasts!"

"Well I think this is going to last a long time so you can calm down a little bit." Or probably a lot. Now that I think about it I haven't asked her about her research or what she has found out. She might be close to finding a way to end this. I sure hope so.

"Oh come on, stop complaining. I've been driving like this since the outbreak started and I have only crashed three times. It's perfectly safe!!"

"I think we have different thoughts on what the word safe means." I really should have stayed at the house; I left everything at the house. Well everything except for my gun and Eren's necklace which I haven't taken off since I first put it on. So I guess I remembered the important things at least.

"Oh Levi! Do you think I could have a sample of your blood?"

"What the fuck? Why would you want that?"

"Well I have been only using my blood for tests with reactions to the virus and trying to find something that will kill the virus but not the cells, so having different blood types might help me find something."

"Fine, but I'm not being your guinea pig. So don't try and do any experiments on me."

"Awwww your such a buzz kill! HAHA!" Hanji took a sharp turn and was heading straight towards a zombie. "Oh no, get out of the way!" I have no idea what she was expecting but like what usually happens; the zombie instead of running away started running right for the car. It seems like they are attracted to the sound of cars. She hit the zombie without even slowing down. The next thing she did was unexpected though; she actually started rolling the window down and yelled. "Sorry about that!"

"What the hell was that?" Why would she be saying sorry for that? it isn't like they have any idea what is happening to them, and maybe that's for the best. If someone does find a cure for it I really hope that the people who were zombies will have no memory of what happened to them or what they did during that time.

"I hit them, but I didn't mean to so I felt kinda bad about that." Hanji looked over to me with a frown on her face. She didn't turn to look at the road right away so I was starting to get a little nervous because she was still speeding. "Here's my turn!" Not again. Hanji's driving is like a kid in bumper cars; except thankfully she doesn't run into everything but it's pretty damn close.

"Where are we even going?" I haven't actually thought about that, but I probably should start because wherever she is going is wherever I am going to end up.

"Huh? Oh we are heading to the IDRI in Seattle. That's where I live and work." So we are going to Seattle. That's a big city. She better not crash the car there otherwise we are going to be in big trouble. "Don't worry I know how to get there. I could find my way there blindfolded. Which I might as well be without my glasses on."

"Why don't you let me dr-"

"NO! I can do it! I love driving!"

"Well I want to live for a while longer, and I don't think your driving will allow that."

"My driving is perfectly fine! You don't even know where you are supposed to be going anyways." Even though she had a point with that I still feel as though me driving would be safer, and I'm not even the best driver.

"If you get me killed I will kill you."

"But if you're dead how could you kill me? There's some flaws in your argument. No wonder you didn't become a scientist."

"JUST SHUT UP AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD!" Hajji was too into our argument to look at where she was going and was heading right for another car that had been wrecked.

"Haha got it." By the time she looked back it was too late for her to do anything to avoid the crashed car. "I guess I should have let you drive." In a failed attempt to stop the inevitable she stepped on the breaks. I wanted to say I told you so but the sound of metal on metal drowned out my words.

(Eren's POV)

I have been walking around and around trying to find something familiar that could tell me where I am, but nothing was even remotely familiar to me. Everything looked so strange. Sometimes I feel like I black out because one second I am surrounded by fields but the next thing I remember I am around houses or in more urban areas. Where am I? But more importantly where's Levi? We need to go to Canada together. At first I just wanted to go by myself, but after spending some time with him I don't think going alone would feel right to me anymore.

Right now I am right outside of a town. I can see the residential areas from the hill I'm on. I'm so tired; I need to find someplace I can rest. There's a gas station pretty close to where I am right now, but if I walk a little farther I could find a house I can stay in. Staying in a house might have been the better idea but I was too tired to care. It was getting pretty dark out; in fact I normally would try to avoid being out this late but something had kept on urging me to keep on walking. Slowly I made my way to the abandoned gas station. Once I got in front of the building I had a weird feeling come over me. I had a flashback, or maybe it was an image made by my mind. It was me and Levi in a gas station, but the one I pictured was a lot more run down than the one I am standing in front of. The image was gone in a flash and the feeling started to go away; much slower than the image did though. I started to enter the building. Almost all of the food and various other things they sold here was scatter across the ground. It's really disgusting in here. Levi would hate it. That thought made me smile a little more than I thought it should, but I didn't try to hold back the smile.

The back of the store was just as bad as the front, or maybe even a little worse. I didn't care though. All I need is a place where I can sleep. There was a corner in the store that wasn't too bad so I decided I was going to sleep there. My whole body was hurting so I was thankful to find a place; no matter how dirty, to be able to sleep. I was just about to sit down when I heard a noise coming from just a few feet from my left. Every part of me told me not to look because I would regret it, but I couldn't relax if I didn't. I decided that I was going to just take a quick glance so I could prove to myself that it was nothing. When I finally gained the courage to look there was something there. A person with their clothes ripped and stained and cuts all over their body. It was a zombie. In my exhausted state I had completely forgot about them.

"LEVI!" I yelled out for someone who I knew wouldn't be able to hear me. I was just so used to being able to call for him and he would be there to help me, but there's no one here to help me and I can't protect myself when I can barely move. My shout got the attention of the thing not to far from me. It started shuffling towards me. The fact that it was moving so slow scared me more then it would if it was running for me like what they would always do. I couldn't move and I couldn't make any sounds. I just sat there waiting for my painful death, or worse becoming one of them. My eyes never left the thing heading towards me, but the zombie didn't even seem like it was moving with a purpose. When it got a few steps away from me it stopped and looked right at me. I had pressed myself as far as I could into the corner never looking away. We were like that for what felt like forever, I was waiting for something to happen, anything to happen. When the suspense had started to eat away at me I gave up on waiting and was going to hit the zombie to get it to do something. Before I could move the zombie had started moving. I was expecting it to finally start attacking me, but instead it started walking away. There must be something wrong with it, but I never had this happen to me before. I decided to take advantage of the situation and sleep while I have the chance.

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