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X in the MM.

Xandra Holmes.

Feeling the evening breeze strike every inch of my skin, I quickly lowered my head and climbed inside of my car. Work had me all types of exhausted, I got out of the office real late today. My only wish was to go home and meet my bed. I introduced the key inside of the ignition to start the engine.

Thankfully I managed to make it home quick despite this heavy Californian traffic. Once my car was parked in my garage, I gathered my bags, brought them with me and made my way inside of the house. It was almost 9 pm and I was starving. The slice of pizza I ate as a lunch had my stomach gargling all day. I took my heels off and headed towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge I stood there for a while deciding what I wanted to eat. There wasn't much to eat anyway so I opted for some leftovers from last night. I'd cook a real meal tomorrow if I feel like it eventually.

I stepped into the living room and dropped on the couch holding a plate of mac and cheese. I let out a small gasp as the warmth of the plate burned my thighs. I simply leaned over and placed the plate on the table waiting for it to cool down a bit, then grabbed the remote at the same time.

It felt good being at home and chilling for once, just doing nothing and watching the time pass by. I gotta admit that it would've been better if I was cuddling with someone right now. Not to sound desperate, because I'm absolutely not. I probably need to give it time and like I always say, I should just let love find me instead of looking for love desperately.

My vibrating phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I had my little idea on who was calling me so late, glancing at the contact name that showed up, I smirked. My guess was actually right.

"Destiny why are your calls always so late?" I questioned as I shook my head, as if she could see me.

"Late? It's note late if you actually took the time the answer. Are you up to something X?" She asked, making ghetto gum chewing sounds.

"No I- Well I was about to um, go to sleep." I lied, knowing she would ask me to go to the club. I literally wasn't in the mood to go out.

"Lies. You do not sound tired at all. Please say you can come with me to this club opening tonight. Kaylah can't come unfortunately, you're my last hope." She said in a soft tone wanting to convince me. Ugh this girl sometimes...

"I mean work has been hella tiring, plus it's not even saturday. We can wait till tomorrow at least, I'm sure Kay'll be there." I contradicted, strongly determined not to go there.

"No we cannot wait X stop fronting. Each night is different and unforgettable. Come on just put on a sexy outfit okay? You got twenty minutes, bye." Destiny informed me, ready to hang up on me.

"Destiny wait! what?" I snapped, feeling kinda confused.

"I'm on my way to your house, you better be ready when get there. See ya." Okay, now I had no reason to say no. I locked my phone and put it down on the table.

I walked up the stairs and headed to my dressing room. Searching through the enormous amount of clothes I had, I picked a long white tee that I usually wear as a dress because of my short height, a gold-plated necklace with my initials on it and some cute yellow Giuseppe Zanotti shoes.

I ran to the bathroom to put on some makeup. It was Friday so I thought that discreet makeup would fit. I didn't need to look too outstanding.

I unmade my pony tail tie to leave my hair just the way it is, revealing my black and lustrous curls.

When I was ready, I grabbed my Chanel purse and slid some bills in it. With that being done I checked my phone and left the house, thinking that Destiny must be in my driveway already.

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