t w e n t y o n e

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Xandra Holmes

Standing on the balcony, trying to collect my thoughts was challenging at the moment. So much has been going on and I can't forget why. Ever since I met Lewis, nothing has been the same. I was never this invested into my friends. Nor sex, or even love. I was boring, and never left my comfort zone. Basically becoming someone who I grew to be. All because of Lewis, I've went through all of this craziness. I just wanna know, is it even worth it?

My thoughts astray when I feel his presence behind my body. The Los Angeles sky lights up luminously, as I feel his two hands slip into my back jean pockets. He rubs me gently and kisses my neck. It felt a bit foreign, since I'm still upset with him.

"I know you mad but, the world ain't over sweetheart." His deep voice rings in my ear. Making my knees buckle, face sweat a bit, and even making me feel a little wet. His voice that close in my ear just sent these crazy hormones speeding through my body.

Taking myself out of his hands, I turn to face him so my back is on the railing of the balcony. "I know its not Lewis. It just feels like it sometimes. My life was never this fascinating until I met you."

"You don't regret it do you?" He quizzes.

I shrug and look away from him, and down at the eateries below us. He smacks his lips and grasps my breast in his palm, fixing the apparent space between us.

"Girl you know you don't." He smiles making me look away as he toys around my shirt and rests his hand on my bra.

"Whatever, leave me alone." I blush. Still trying to ignore the fact that yesterday was heartbreaking, but since he did it for me, to protect me, I won't say much more about it.

He bites his lower lip playfully, placing his whole hand over my bare breast, wiggling my nipple between his fingers as he caresses me. "Let me unhook you." He says softly into my skin. The feeling of his other hand reaches my back, creating goosebumps that shift my mood. My bra unhooks as he smiles in relieve, and he holds it in his hands. Staring me deep into my eyes, he places it to his lips and kisses it childishly.

"Stop." I whine almost as he sniffs it then tosses it inside.

"You know I wanna motorboat." He wiggles his eyebrows as I frown. "And you know I'm still made at you so stop Lew." I hiss pushing my palm into his face and heading inside. Picking up my bra and placing it back on, I watch him come inside and pick up a lighter and cigarette.

"I just wanted to mota'boat." He whines, adjusting it to his plump lips.

"I'm going to bed." I claim. Lewis became such a hornball. Maybe moving in wasnt a good idea.

In the morning, I woke up disturbed by Lewis rummaging through his desk. The light flickers on and I groan from the brightness. "Babe what are you even doing?"

"Huh?" He says stopping suddenly, realizing I'm even awake.

"You're making alot of noise-"

"It's nothing. He says shoving his laptop down." He gets up from the desk and walks over to my bed side staring at me differently. "But I can fuck you back to sleep." He smirks.

"Fuck me back to sleep?"

"Yeah so I can get a little more of your love." He grins goofily.

"Come here." I say softly, tugging hiss body onto mine, he almost collapses on me. I felt the nervousness running through his veins, his face showed it. Since when was he nervous? I was always the nervous one.

"Y-you're so sexy babe."

"I can say the same, but I'd rather have sex." I say.

Dragging my lips sloppily across his, his body stays hovered over mine, buy the pulse of his member through his boxers grows against my clit. The only thing preventing him from tearing my walls down was the thin fabric between us. He aggressively tosses them off of his body and holds down my hips from moving. His cold, smooth fingers stay pressed along my sides as he tugs my panties down to my ankles, then forcing his member right back at my entrance. The feeling of my pussy dragging open from the wide circumference, his tip gliding right at the premisses of me and finding a way deep inside of me, clenching onto him like my life depends on it. Wishing I was a little more soaked so it wouldn't have been so rough. But I don't care anymore, I'm not the shy Xandra who didn't want to take risk. I loved this feeling. How could I stay mad? My nipples were being slurped up by his plump lips, tossing my head from side to side occasionally and moaning in pleasure. The thumping from his shaft roamed my body, sending vibrations and things never even felt before. Each scratch I sent along his back, as I dug deeper, made him plunge forcefully into my walls even more. Penetrating the feeling never went away and his kisses soaked onto my chest. Leaving hickies that would soon appear in the shape of an 'L'.

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