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Xandra Holmes.

I had achieved my goal of creating at least three new designs for nominations in Fashion Week for Paris. My boss was only accepting one design and I was really hoping she'd choose mine.

It was at least 2 am on a Saturday night. I've been focused all day and haven't touched my phone all day which mind you has vibrated tons of times.

Paris Week has always been a dream of mine and I was going to do everything I could to make my dreams no longer a fantasy.

Reaching for my starbucks coffee, I take a long sip and finally unlock my phone. Messages swarmed in from at least 3 other people.

Kaylah : Get any dick last night, Destiny told me you did! Yay you!

Mom : Grandpa is here, come over?

Lewis : Xandra.

Sighing it was a little to take in. Destiny was spreading lies to our bestfriend, great. My grandpa was here and I'd have to catch him early in the morning, and Lewis. Lewis the attractive lightskin texted me.

Biting down onto my lip, I press on Lewis' contact and begin to text back


Closing off my phone, I place it into my bra and head to the kitchen. I needed to make a meal, enough for today and tomorrow night.

Only, my fridge was completely empty. I guess I'll just have to make a quick 2 am grocery run to Walmart!

Lewis Brown.

I could recognize that hourglass body from anywhere, and those bronze curls. She gets a cart and proceeds to the dairy isle.

I had planned on picking up some Clorox bleach and gloves, but now I think I'll just make it a coincidence for grocery shopping.

Taking up a small basket, I turn down the opposite isle and slowly approach the next, she's standing so that I can see her perfect curvy body from the side, trying to reach for a pancake mix.

Picking up my pace, I gladly reach it for her and our eyes meet, once more.

"You just pop up everywhere don't you?" She blushes catching me off guard. Then mouths thank you and punches my arm slightly.

"Or you pop up everywhere I go?" I quiz following her down the rest of the isle.

"Touche. Hm, what you doing here so late?" She grins looking up to me.

"Just getting some, you know food." I shrug nervously, she made me nervous because she was so unique and I wanted to learn more about her.

"Oh how long have you been here?" She wonders as we turn the isle.

"Just twenty minutes or so." I say rubbing the nape of my neck.

"With an empty basket, your cute." She makes this cute face and her dimples come to display.

Looking down at my basket, it was indeed empty.

"Uh, it is empty." I blush as she giggles stopping to pick up some milk.

As she's reaching for the milk, I draw my eyes to her ass and it was just amazing, yoga pants have a man hornier than ever. Staring intensely, my teeth clenched onto my lip, I can't help but whisper "Damn."

"Huh?" She turns to me and I examine her eyes.

"Oh, milk went up 20 cents." I grin also grabbing a gallon of milk just to be casual. I don't even drink milk, shit I'm lactose!

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