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Xandra Holmes.

His enticing lips had me swarmed in my own surprisingly yet dirty thoughts as he's holding onto my butt. With one last kiss, we're now hugging as I find a way to breathe.

I believe that's the first time Lewis and I have actually had our first make out, and thank the Lord it hasn't escalated further! He's such a gentleman.

"Your beautiful when you wake up." He points up and down to my attire, which were my random pajama shorts and tee.

"Oh stop." We enter my living room and take a comfortable seat with my legs crossed over his and his hands resting on my thighs.

We begin watching Vh1 where various music videos play all morning, but we stay in our own world.

"We should go do something today?" He offers squeezing my thigh assuringly, then begins rubbing it.

"Like what?" I blurt as he focus' back on my facial expression.

"I mean or we could stay here." He runs his hands to my inner thighs and holds them there, staring at me intensely before I try to speak.

But his lips take utter control and are pressed onto mine as his lower shaft reaches my navel and it occurs that he's straddling my body.

I kept quiet as he ruffled through my baby hairs around my eyes, he pressed his thumbs along my forehead and I flushed as soon as he kisses the top of my head.

His knees on both sides of my body, keeps me locked under neath of him as he smiles but I stay calm.

"Are you just nervous?"

Of course not! I can handle a sexy ass man straddling me, as his bulge is some what beginning to harden! "Very." I utter.

"What about now?" He cocks his head slightly as his face reaches mine and our noses tap along side, and my breathing airways are almost shut out.

"Mhm." I agree.

"Well, what about now?" He soothes his body closer to mine and travels his face right to my breast and pulls on my v-neck.

I've never had Lewis see me naked and the house just got really hot.

"It's hot Lew." I say trying to refrain him from
cupping one of my breast but he does otherwise.

"If it's hot, where the sprinklers at?" His words latch onto my mind and stay, just as he's going up my shirt startlingly.


"X, it's okay ma." His deep hoarse voice is like love to my ears and he's continuing to lift my shirt. Right along where my breast are, he stops. Holding his shirt in his fist, his long tongue then rolls all over my torso.

Each lick turns me a new way and I'm growing completely nervous as he is below my navel, calling my name.

"Xandra..." He calls for the fifth time, I open my eyes and he returns the same lust to me.

"Yes Lew?" I dryly utter. Although my mouth was for sure going to be the only dry-

"You're being so good for me right now, staying nice and calm. You like the calm before the storm." He blows softly onto my stomach giving me goosebumps at the surface of my skin.

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