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Xandra Holmes.

"I'm on my way... I know that I'm not supposed to use my phone while driving mom stop reminding me... Okay... I'll be there soon, alright bye, see you." I say hanging up then throwing my iPhone on the empty passenger seat. I was driving to my mom's for lunch since she told me that my grandpa would be there. It's one of the rare times when we can actually see each other because of my busy schedule. I was more than excited to me my grandad though, I love him so much, ever since my dad died he's been there for me, he always cheered me up during the bad times... If my dad was still alive I'm sure he'd be proud of him.

Arriving at my mother's, I pulled up in her driveway and headed to the door, kinda apprehending to see her. It seemed to me that she had an attitude when we were on the phone.

"Hey sweetie." My mom greeted me with a smile. I smiled back, pulling her into a hug.

"Hi momma. Where's grandpa?" I ask softly, releasing her from my arms

"Oh... He's in the living room." She untimely responded as her smile disappeared. I simply nodded and walked up to the living room, my mom following behind.

"How is my lil Xandy?" My grandpa asked with a huge smile on his face. I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek just like I used to 10 years ago. Some things just never change

"Hi grandpa! I missed you." I confessed sitting down at the laid table.

"I missed you more little one."

"Uh? I'm not little anymore." I said with a chuckle.

"You'll always be my little one Xandra. How have you been?" He asked as my mom came in with the food and placed it on the table.

"I've been good. Working as usual." I say nonchalantly, planting my fork in my plate

"You're always working. Do you ever take a break? You're just like your dad." My mother interrupted, a bit irritated

"What d'you mean "like my dad"? Yes I'm busy. And yes I take breaks at times. Where's the problem?"

"You should spend some more time with your family Xandra. Try to make up your planning or something."

"I do spend time with y'all! Are you mad at me because I'm trying to live my dream and work hard?" I snapped

"That's not what I'm implying Xandra! What do your "work" consist of exactly? Drinking tea and selling clothes? That's what you call "working hard" and "living your dream"?"

"You got it all wrong. I create designs for the upcoming Paris fashion week and I also do a lot of other stuff at the office. It's hard to make your way and succeed in this industry. So yea, I've done some sacrifices. And I know that one day it will pay off. You steady want to make me look like I'm wrong one in every situation, stop."

"You're not understanding!"

"Can you two please stop? Gabby I think you're overreacting. Xandra is in her young years, of course she has to work hard and do some sacrifices in order to succeed." Thank God for giving me a grandpa like him. He always takes up for me.

"Maybe..." My mom admitted with a sigh. We simply stared at our food and continued eating in a deafening silence.

"Anyways..." my grandad trailed off. "Are you still single? You know how badly I want to see my little girl settle down." he joked, glancing at my mom who side eyed him.

"I am single, I guess"

"What does "I guess" mean Xandra?" my mom quizzed in a serious tone.

"Okay, I've been seeing this guy. Nothing serious" I  clarify, serving myself a glass of fresh water

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