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Xandra Holmes.

Sitting down across from my mother, she slams her laptop down and hands me my coffee. Just what I needed at 9 a.m too.

"Take the sunglasses off Xandra, please." She insists. What did it matter to her? Just to try and keep tension lower than what it usually is between us, I slip off the sunglasses and fold them placing them on the table.

"Goodmorning, mom..."

"You look horrible. Bags under your eyes? Oh, I hope you aren't going to work looking like this!" She says in disgust. Jee, thanks. If this were Lewis he'd tell me I'm beautiful but, there is no more Lewis.

"Mom. I didn't come here to get bashed. I came here to tell you something important."

"Okay, I'm sorry. And look I have a mani/pedi at 12 so this can't be too long." She says.

"Lewis isn't who I thought he was. I'm sorry for not listening to you mom. And he r-really broke my heart." Tearing up at the moment was not what I wanted to do, at all. I can't let myself cry over him.

"Oh, I told you I didn't want him in this family. Or to have my blessing, I'm sorry Xandra. But that was stupid of you, you need to start listening to people who have knowledge. Those silly friends of yours brought you into this mess-"

"Wait! If you knew Lewis is bad for me... Then how do you know he's bad for me. What do you know about Lewis that I don't mom? I mean I'm pretty sure I know now, but why are you being so silent about it."

"Because Xandra. I was there when he killed dad. He threatened to kill me and you if I ever told anymore. And he left us alone after that, but know it seems he's back. You know he told me if he ever saw either of us again, he was going to kill us."

"Mom, oh my God. He wouldn't kill me because he loves me..." And it became to much for me to even handle.

Lewis Brown.

Monday it was flowers, Tuesday it was flowers again, Wednesday it was chocolates and now I was going to actually try to visit her. I felt as if this was my last shot, I was tired of waisting my money, not knowing if she likes the gifts or is throwing them away.

Stepping off the elevator and walking off, I approach the desk and lean over to sign in my name.

"Who do you have an appointment with?" An older man asks as I move my glasses to the bridge of my nose and think a moment. Didn't know I had to have an appointment.

"Xandra Holmes."

"Oh, I didn't think her first visitor was until-"

"Well goddamn I'm here now and I'm the visitor she was expecting at what ever time." I spat wildly, losing my temper was rare but with so many emotions, I just needed to see X now and not later.

Being rude at the moment, I zip past other employees and head straight to her office. Barging in she's alarmed sitting behind her desk, once she realizes what's occurring a frown appears.

"Lewis, leave. I'm at work and if you could please. Stop with gifts and the letters. And I can't believe you showed up." She upsets through her teeth and walks over to me. Her body was so close to mine and I just wanted to take her in my arms.

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