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Xandra Holmes.

"Xandra? In my office please." Mrs. Azani inquired sternly, glancing at me through the door opening, then walked away.

I simply nodded and gathered my papers in my designing folder. Standing up, I brushed the creases off my skirt using my hand before walking out of my office. I could only hear the sound of my heels knock on the floor.

I felt apprehensive that mrs. Azani wanted to see me. Ever since that Paris fashion week incident she's got colder with me. Sometimes she wouldn't even greet me in the morning like she used to. I took a deep breath and stepped into her office, walking slowly because of how nervous I was.

"Sit please." She ordered pointing the seat in front of her.

"Xandra I know I've been a little hard with you these past weeks." She confessed, as her fingers browsed through her documents. "I have yet to admit you've worked as twice as hard for those upcoming designs. They're really great, good job. I also think that it's time for us to get on good terms again so we can have a great boss-employee relationship. It seems to me that you've learned your lessons, am I right?"

"Oh my God Mrs. Azani you can't even imagine how sorry I am for everything that happened that night! I couldn't control it. And yes this job is close to my heart so that's why I'm doing my best not to deceive you. Thank you for not letting me down."

"Normally every employee that doesn't respect the conditions during big events like the Paris fashion week for example, is set to be fired. You were supposed to be fired Xandra. But I've been thinking for a while and I realized that I couldn't fire you. You're an important element in our team and I can't see any of us work without your creativity. We absolutely need you. So I've talked to the commission and they agreed with me to test you for a short period of time. All you had to do is keep up the good work you're doing and demonstrate your good willingness, and you really did, I'm proud of you." I was speechless, even after everything that happened she still believes in my potential. I wanted to run and hug her. My boss is amazing!

"Oh really? Wow. Thank you for keeping me. I'm more than grateful for that, believe me."

"I do believe in you Xandra I always did. I was just disappointed. That's why I gave you one last chance. Now you have to promise me nothing similar will happen. Any slip up, I clearly said any slip up, and I'll have to let you go for good. Understood Ms. Holmes?"

"Understood." I assured with a head nod.

"Great. If everything goes right you and the others will get to create five original designs for Elle USA's issue coming in September. I'm convinced you can do it since it's a group project. Can I count on you?" She questioned

"Well you know I'll do my best as always. You sure can count on me. Thank you so much Mrs. Azani I'm thankful for these opportunities you give me." I said smiling shyly, while in my head I was cheesing hard.

"I know you are miss. Oh and by the way, the theme of this fall/winter magazine's issue is darkness. Most importantly sadness, expressive feelings and also death to some extends. So obviously dark colors are recommended. You guys will have one week to create those designs, they have to represent these emotions but not completely, you can always mix it up and bring something cool. This may sound confusing, my apologies but I hope you get it and you'll work hard on this to create beautiful things. Don't worry I'll give you and your colleagues more explanations later during a little reunion if that can help." Death and sadness... Why does it have to relate to my personal life?! This requires too much mental strength for me to do it. I know that it'll keep reminding me Lewis and what he did to my dad, I really don't want to think about him, at all. This is my last chance though, so I don't really have the choice.

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