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Xandra Holmes.

"Xandra, my office please?" Mrs. Azani calls to me as I hold my briefcase over my shoulder, car keys in hand and my free to hold my phone. I nodded silently and took a seat in the hammock across the room as she stands at her desk.

"Yes Mrs. Azani?" I smile.

"You've been cheeky this past few days. I love your attitude at work and your determination to go to Paris Fashion week. I'm giving you a raise." She announces.

"Oh! This is great! Thank you so much." I spring off the hammock cheesing even harder.

"No big deal. You deserve it doll, see you in the morning." She coos and I'm on my way out to the garage.

This was amazing, I wasn't depending on a raise. But now I can finally start making my own material with this raise. Thank you Jesus!

My heels fulfill the quiet halls as I pass the front office.

"Yeah flowers for Holmes." A man stands in a khaki uniform holding a bouquet of Tulips. My heart races for a moment, he did not.

"Hey Xandra, your Holmes right?" The secretary Joy yells to me. "These are for you." She grins handing them to me.

"O-okay. Thanks Joy." I pipe.

"So who's the lucky man? I bet they've been anticipating to get their hands on that cake of yours!" Joy squeals.

"Your sill Joy, and he's just a friend." I chuckle leaning over the desk for a small conversation. I met Joy at a coffee shop, she saw my designs, loved them and recommended me here, and wala I'm here!

"Just a friend? Who is this friend?" She smirks tapping her nails along her keyboard.

"Lewis. He's so nice to me." I blush running my fingers over the Tulips.

"I hope he keeps it coming with the gifts! This is literally goals!" She squeals. With that I wave her off and head to my car. Placing everything inside, I can't wait to call Lewis.

Lewis Brown.

Skimming over the California map I had made awhile back. I pin-pointed every city I had my streak in. My eighth person was tomorrow night. Right in Los Angeles. This could be risky but I love a dirty job.

My phone vibrates over against the marble counter tops. I raise myself off my white leather couch and move across the cheery wood to answer.

"Hey..." I ramble off not taking a look at caller I.D.

"These Tulips are amazing." Her innocent voice fill my ears and dance along my mind.

"Just like you, huh?" I chuckle laying back onto my couch.

"Thanks Lew. I have great news!" She exclaims. "I got a raise!"

"That's what I'm talkin bout baby girl. Great work." I say, she was definitely and independent woman.

"Baby girl? You like that nickname don't you?" Her voice is so tender and I'm eager to see her.

"I do baby girl." My voice grows huskily as I breathe gently into the line. "X I have a question for you."

"Go ahead." She replies picking up her voice.

"What you wearing right now?"

"You creep, are you watching me." She says protectively shy.

"Course not!" I smile. Although this kept me yearning to know what she was wearing now.

"Well if you must know, Oh my God Lewis!" She squeals over the line.

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