t w e n t y t h r e e

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Lewis Brown.

"B-babe why are you crying?" I ask standing up from my one knee and cupping her face with my hands. Her pupils grew bigger and the tears kept forming. Her arms swung around my body and I did the same for hers. The embrace was genuine. It felt like love, I felt the love in her hug. And little did I know that I didn't just love X. I'm in love with her... I've never been in love with another person. Not this deep either.

"I-I'm not ready for marriage Lewis." She says pushing me back with the light force of her hands onto my chest. I rubbed the nape of my neck with my hand and sighed.

"Xandra, I'm not proposing to you. I'm giving you a promise ring." I say opening the box before her, she gasps even more and continues to cry. "W-why are you crying?" I say so irritated. Never knew she could be this dramatic and emotional.

"Because it's beautiful Lew!" She exclaims and holds out her hand for me to put it on. I smirked a little and kissed her hand before placing it onto the finger. It fitted perfectly and was definitely the best Christmas for me. My Christmas used to be murderous, but now that I've found X, its better than ever.

The day continued on and through to the morning. I knew she had a few things to do today as far as her online job. But she was also going to work out as far as I could tell. She placed her hair up out her face and kisses my lips as I still lay in bed.

"You leaving me?" I ask watching her ass move in her sweatpants as she heads to the closet.

"Yeah, I'll be back before noon. Maybe we can make lunch then?" She says in a louder tone.

"That sounds cool. I was gonna go to a puppy pound, but we can wait until tonight." I shrugged. She almost runs out the closet excited as ever.

"What! Oh my God I love you! I so wanted a puppy." She yells child like, and jumps onto my body that was relaxed on the bed. Her body lowers onto mine as she kisses for the longest time. My hands ownfully gripped her ass and she moans gently letting me know she likes it of course.

"Mhm, as much as I'd like to burn calories having sex, I should really get to the track. I'm meeting Joy there." She grins.

"Nah babe, we can get freaky, c'mon." I say snuggling my lips to hers and she kisses back gently.

"I'm not blowing off Joy for sex, sorry. I'll be back." She calls out.

Xandra Holmes.

"Girl you are killing me, slow down." Joy huffs dramatically, tossing her hair behind her shoulder we reach the beginning of the track once again."Bitch you're engaged and didn't tell me?" Her hand take up mine and she stares at it under the sunlight, that was slowly fading away.

"W-what? Girl I am not engaged, Lewis and I are way too early in a relationship for that. We're simply in love-"

"And getting married, girl if you can get his babies snag em now while you're still young." She encourages emphatically. I can't help but laugh at Joy's wild imagination, we hadn't hung out in a long time and I missed working with her honestly. 

"This is a promise ring." I admit.

"Good, you deserve way more than just a simple karat."

"I think I do don't I?" I giggle. 

"Yeah, you're a keeper. Don't let him screw you over." She smiles. I'm glad I had a friend like Joy, she was straight up and never lied to me. We grew so distant from me being away from work and facing all my personal problems, I never really talked to her since. But I'm glad I'm working my way back to my old healthier self.

I was more than excited to go to the pound to find a dog. Although it was still the holidays, I was hoping they were still open. It was nearly eight o' clock. I slam my keys into the lock and twist the knob. Right before my eyes laid the cutest dog in the world. Lewis came out of the bedroom shirtless with a cigarette placed in his lips.

"You got me a puppy while I was gone?!" I say more than excited, crouching down to feel for him, he was soft and the most adorable dog ever.

"What you gon' name him babe?" He asks letting smoke fill the entrance as he closes the door. I almost hold my breath when he does. Lewis was starting to smoke a little bit more and it irritated me. I hated smoking.

"Lewix, your name in a mix of mine." I say not minding him as he took a seat next to me, watching me play with Lewix. He fell into my lap as he panted with his tongue.

"We are one gorgeous family. We don't need no babies to be happy. This Christmas was the best one I've ever had thanks to you..."

"Lew, I got to admit. I loved it too, and I feel like we know what real love is. I feel it throughout my mind, and no doubt that I'm the one for you and you're the one for me."

"Gimme your hands." He says, letting the cigar rate hang from the corner of his lips for dear life. He fooled around once or twice but then we finally agreed on a handshake. 

"Fuck everyone else, you're mine X." His kiss made me feel alive, more alive than ever before. I wanted nothing to ever change, now that I've found the right man, despite his flaws, Lewis is the one for me.


Sorry for the long wait on this update, just a few more chapters left until the finale. 

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