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Lewis Brown.

I groaned at the jerky and high pitched sound of my alarm that I forgot to turn it off last night. It was 9 in the morning, which isn't really early but last night's homicide had me all types of exhausted. I definitely needed more rest, but once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep.

I quickly grab my phone to turn this annoying alarm off, then a text message I received last night caught my attention. I could read Xandra's name on top of my notification center, surprisingly she sent me a picture along with the text.

It's yours and nobody else's... - X

It was a picture of her ass in some pretty thongs. Damn, it looked so smooth and round. I smirked and saved the picture in my camera roll. So that's actually true that the shy girls are the freakiest. Is she ready to take it to the next level with me? I hope she is. But X is not the kind of girl to randomly send me sexy pictures. If she's ready for sex she'll eventually tell me that one on one.

I took a last glimpse of her butt and locked my phone without replying to her, I'd just call her instead. I knew this picture would remain in my head all day, but I didn't mind, I loved it.

Putting my phone securely on the night stand, I uncovered my body from the bed sheets I had on with my other hand. The fresh air of the room made me shudder a bit when it came in contact with my skin. I'm such a sensitive person when it comes to cold.

I stretched myself, letting out a long moan of pleasure and pain before finally climbing out of bed and directing myself towards the bathroom.

Once I got cleaned up I hurried to call Xandra. Hearing her soft voice in the morning is the best way to start off the day.

She answered practically immediately.

"Good morning Lewis." Her words delivered.

"Morning beautiful. I just saw the picture you sent me. I didn't expect that." I said frantically

"Oh about that..."

"Don't worry it's cool. I mean, you look good in them thongs. I'd like to see that more often."

"Lew stop. I was um, kinda frustrated that I couldn't make it to the game, and when you said that I'm too busy..." X confessed. So that explains why she sent me that picture... I knew there was a reason behind it. She didn't have to do that.

"Oh wow. I'm sorry you got me wrong. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything. I understand that you're working hard and all that, no biggie."

"Cool, thank you Lewis. I just wish I could see you more."

"I know you wanna see me. Don't you think I feel the same way about you?"

"I guess so, it's just annoying that we barely have time for each other. If I could do something to change that I would."

"Alright, I think I may have the solution. What are you wearing right now babe?"

"Lewis... I'm working right now." She reluctantly replied

"You wouldn't be talking to me if you were working Xandra." I shot back in a seductive tone.

"I'm working from home today, so I don't mind answering your calls."

"That's even better." I smirked deviously.

"FaceTime me so I can see your pretty ass." I demanded, licking my lips. The picture she sent me suddenly resurfaced in my head

"Lewis! Are you tryna distract me or something" she laughed playfully

"Babe I'm just playing. But seriously I want to see your beautiful face. Let's FaceTime?"

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