s i x t e e n

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Lewis Brown.

Was I a complete fool to be standing here, middle of the night? Trying to win her back? No, I wanted to fight for my love, anything was worth a shot. I needed her back, badly.

The door slightly opens and her gorgeous set of eyes hide behind her wet curls. I don't manage to say anything when I notice she's only in a towel. The water glistening off her shoulders, dipping down between her breast, and that was all. I wish I could just swipe it off of her, admire her body. But that's just not what I came here for.

"Yes Lewis?" Her voice croaks and I clear mine to take the obviousness of myself gawking over her.

"I can't stop thinking about you Xandra. You don't ever have to talk, speak or listen to me again. I just want you to know I'm taking rest for my actions, I'm sorry and I no longer do anything crazy. I'm over that, and everything. I want my focus on you, can we please just, be friends and build? That's all I want."

"Lewis, come in." She says shyly and I enter, reluctantly at that.

I then silently follow her path plotted by wet little foot prints on the floor, leaving some space between us even though I just wanted to hug her tightly.

I dart my eyes off her figure and shake away any inappropriate thoughts at the same time. X adjusts her towel on her body and turns the lights on in the living room. I simply sit down on the same couch X is seated on. There's a long awkward silence and she glances at me briefly, I decide to speak up.

"Xandra... I need to be honest with you cause I know that's what you've been waiting for. Honesty." I start off, fidgeting nervously and not really knowing why. She nods in agreement.

"I'm all ears. Go on." She says putting her damped hair into a loose bun. I clear my throat again, already apprehending her response.

"You know I realized that you didn't deserve anything I did to you. Once again I'm sorry. Anything you ask or want me to tell you I will. I'm really willing to change for you, for the better. Know that these words aren't coming from a fool. I just want you to forgive me. I miss you." I say meaning each and every word that comes outta my mouth. She just glares at me blankly with a mixture of "I understand" and "I shouldn't trust you" in her eyes. She seemed pretty indecisive and that made me mad a little. The more she was silent the more hopeless I was becoming. What else do I need to do to prove her I'm a changed man?

"Lewis... I don't think there will be an us."

"What do you mean 'I don't think there will be an us' ? Like I said I wanna build the relationship I destroyed. I wanna rebuild it with you babe."

"I don't know. It's probably not even the right time for that Lew. With everything we went through... I need some time." She explains, sorrow written all over her face.

"So you don't want me anymore huh? I guess I'm not worth wasting your time then." I huff in disbelief and get up from my seat, then I head towards the entrance but she stops me halfway there.

"Lewis listen, I'm not saying I can't forgive you, but it might take a long time because I'm still hurt. The pain is still there. You need to understand that." Her shaky voice delivers as if she was on the brink of crying. I sucked the inside of my cheek, she didn't want me anymore and my desperation was slowly starting to manifest itself.

"No more us? Baby come on you can't do me like that! I've learned my lessons and all I want is a second chance. Are you tryna say you don't love me anymore?" I insist. I want her back I'm willing to do anything I need to do so we can be together again.

"Of course I love you I gave all my love to you and proved it to you a thousand times!" She admits, tears were making their way down her cheeks. I wanted to wipe them off but she avoided me. Why is she giving me such a hard time while we could just be on good terms?

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