e l e v e n

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Xandra Holmes.

Lewis let out a light chuckle and pulled my hair back to have a better view of my face.

"Then I'll give it to you." He mumbled softly. His lips instantly collided with mine in harmony. He trailed his hands to my breasts and squeezed them softly causing me to start getting wet down there. I gasped feeling his manhood rise up and press itself against me. I wanted it and I was going to get it.

Lewis pecked wet kisses on my neck, traveling his hands to my naval. The more he teased me, the more I desired him inside of me.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered in my hear giving me chills down my spine. I bit my bottom lip and leaned my head back as he started to play with my center with his fingers.

I felt kind of bad that he's always the pleasuring me, I wanted to return him the favor for once. Lewis gently sucked the skin on my neck and I let out a few moans. When he least expected it I unzipped his pants and dragged them down. I got even hornier at the sight of his boxers filled with his hardness. I didn't even know if I would be able to take this. He is so big and I'm... Probably so small.

"Mhm, what are you doing." He asked between kisses as I slid my hand beneath his boxers to take a hold of his stiff member. I heard him groan and I took his underwear all off, leaving him completely naked on top of my bare body.

With no hesitation I climbed on top of him and pushed him on the bed. I lowered my body to his and kissed him softly. Pulling away from the kiss my eyes darted at his risen member and it was more than hard for me not to bite my lip. Lewis placed his hands on my hips and lifted the upper part of his body, licking my nipples softly. I arched my back and began to stroke his manhood softly. His mouth went agape when he realized I was jerking him off, I have to admit that I was surprised of myself too. The old Xandra would never do something like that... I guess the old Xandra is now dead and gone.

"X... Baby don't-" he started off, his eyes closed shut

"Shhh" I shut him up by planting a kiss on his lips, my tongue melting into his. I quickened my strokes and felt Lewis grab my hips even tighter.

"Fuck." Lewis groaned and purposely released himself from my hand to finish what I had started. My heart race sped up and I was breathless, and so was he.

"Damn Xandra, look what you done did." He complained stroking himself in front of me. I leaned over to him and kisses his lips again, tracing patterns on his tatted chest. Abruptly, Lewis' hand left his member and he grabbed me by the waist before tossing my body on the bed. The expression across his face was a mix of angriness and lust. I blushed, not able to keep eye contact with him

"How bad do you want it?" He asked, parting my legs apart and pressing himself on my entrance. I gasped loudly and felt myself about to lose it

"How bad do you want it Xandra?!" He yelled, biting my ear afterwards. I could barely move, his grip was so strong

"I want it now Lewis!" I whisper-yelled, not able to control my breaths. I was about to lose my virginity. One side of me is telling me I'm doing the wrong thing, but the other tells me that I love him and that I need to give him the green light, and of course this is this side I was listening to.

Lewis gave me one last passionate stare before bringing his lips to my ear.

"I love you baby, trust me I'm not gonna hurt you." He reassured. I nodded and kissed him deeply. Lewis grabbed himself and pressed his member to my entrance. I closed my eyes as I felt him begin to fill my insides. Gosh it was painful, so painful that I felt a tear flowing from my eye. When he finally penetrated all of his member inside of me, I let a loud moan of pain escape from my mouth. It quickly turned into pleasure

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