t w e n t y t w o

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Lewis Brown

Six days have passed since the fashion show incident. The plane to Cali isn't until early tonight, so despite the drama, X and I spent our nights and morning in the same bed. During the day I would stay at our hotel all day being bored, watching tv and occasionally meditating, waiting until she comes back to have a talk, then X would send me packing. And this cycle would repeat itself over and over again.

I have to be honest about it though. It's not like that french dude had a possible chance with X. First of all, I wouldn't let that happen, moreover, considering he must live in the whole other side of the Atlantic ocean... Me beating him up was just dumb, childish and thoughtless.

But when doesn't it happen? When do I behave like a responsible and mature twenty-five year old man? Xandra is fed up, and even me. Once you feel like you're sick of yourself, that should be a wake up call. That's why I decided to change and do everything I possibly can so that X won't have to deal with my anger issues anymore. No promises, but I'll try my best for sure.

We're at a cafe in the airport. And of course she chose to sit at a table in the opposite direction from the one I'm seated at.

"Excuse me what can I get you?" A waiter asks, with the strongest french accent. I scratch the back of my head and try to make up my mind. There're so many bakeries and one looks just as delicious as the others, I feel like tasting all of 'em.

"Let me get an uh, a cappuccino and two croissants." I do want to get something else than just croissants and a milky coffee but I don't wanna embarrass myself trying to say words I have no idea how to pronounce. He takes my command and heads to X's table.

I can't help but peek at him, just to make sure he has no flirty intentions or anything of that sort. He does wink at her as he walks away and she returns him a smile, nothing serious enough for me to get mad though. I still want Xandra to notice me, so I call the waiter and tell him she's going to sit beside me. Which of course, isn't true at all.

She keeps looking sideways to see if her order was coming or not. I burst out in laughter at the furious glare she shot me once she realized what I did.

"I hate you sometimes Lewis, I really do." She sighs, dragging her suitcase near my table and she sits down in front of me afterwards.

"I love you too, X." I say playfully with a grin, licking my lips at the sight of her well visible cleavage.

"I'm serious. Like, stop being so damn childish. Gosh" She retorts then wanders her dark orbs to her phone.

The waiter comes back with our food, I nod at him and he leaves quietly.

"Hey, drop the attitude alright? I was actually trying to talk to you. I've been trying for six days straight yet you don't wanna hear shit. I've been thinking a lot too, for your information. Bet you don't care anyway." I trail off, taking a bite of my croissant then I lick the crumbs off my finger tips.

"Well, any normally constituted human thinks. But what have you been "thinking" about?" She asks sounding no where near bothered.

"Look X, I'ma just get straight to the point. I'm not gonna change, because I've said this countless times and it never worked. I'm actually changing, for you, for me and for us. When I love I love with all I got. I have a big heart, but my heart's just as big as my ego. If you trust me-"

"Lewis how many times are you going to use that excuse? You always say that, and you always go back to your bad habits. And I'm supposed to believe you and trust you this time? You're a really funny man." She chuckles darkly, apparently not taking me serious. Meanwhile I'm over here, sincere as fuck.

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