2. Little Warrior

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Legolas indeed knew a short cut through the woods, and quickly had his mother and sister delivered to the safety of the King's Halls. They had barely crossed the threshold of the great, underground, fortress, when they were greeted by the King's closest advisor - Arystor - and the captains of the interior guard.

Arystor was a stern looking silvan elf, renowned for his sour features. He wasn't unkind, but was lacking in good humour, blunt and to the point, he had no time for pleasantries or frivolities.

"My Queen, we have been briefed by Captain Feren and I have raised the alarm, civilians are being brought to the fortress for protection. With your permission , I will prepare the King's guard and oversee the protection of interior perimeters." Arystor spoke without blinking and bowed fluidly.

Lairiel nodded, but caught sight of her son, his eyes were downcast and she knew he worked hard to keep the disappointment and hurt that Thranduil's earlier words had caused from his features. She frowned, battling her maternal instincts, over her knowledge that Legolas deserved a chance to prove his worth, both as a warrior and a prince. Arystor had already bowed again and was turning on his heel, when Lairiel made her snap decision.

"My Lord Arystor, I have not yet given you my permission."

Arystor froze and turned a funny shade of pink, his mouth twitched and he held his hands up as if to make an apology. Arystor was affronted, he had just insulted the queen...Thranduil would have his head on a spike and if not that his position as chief advisor would be stripped of him! Even Legolas and Ellenya gawped at the scene presented to them, it was mortifying for any elven subject to misconstrue social exchanges, even more so when conversing with nobility. Ellenya let out a giggle at Arystor's expense, Legolas raised an eyebrow at his little sister, who quickly bit her lip. Not that he much liked the advisor, he found him dull and unadventurous, but laughing at the poor elf, or at least to his face, was a bit mean.

"M-m-my Lady, I didn't, well I-I am so sorry," Arystor spluttered, getting pinker by the minute.

"Oh Arystor don't develop a hernia, I am not offended, honestly, I am going to have to speak with my husband - clearly in service to him you've become a wreck ," Lairiel toyed, watching the frazzled elf's eyes pop at the very suggestion. He began to make mewing noises about not mentioning anything to the King, when Lairiel silenced him with a look. At that he stood up straight and awaited instruction, satisfied Lairiel continued;

"Thank you Arystor for your diligence, I am grateful to have you serve our family and our people, but I will be entrusting the protection of our home to Prince Legolas, under your watchfulness of course. Arystor keep him well advised and I expect a full report by midnight."

Legolas wasn't quite sure who was more shocked, himself or Arystor - who appeared to be just staring blankly at his mother. Lairiel turned to her son, giving him a small encouraging smile, and he just about managed one in return. He could not believe it, the opportunity to oversee the interior guard was his, he suddenly felt very inexperienced and acutely aware of the few warriors that had accompanied Arystor...weighing him and judging his ability.

Arystor had quickly found his voice, and his manners. and hesitantly agreed to the Queens orders. He knew the young ellon was skilled, superior to his peers in training and liked by other warriors. He was concerned though, he was young, inexperienced, this was a high alert situation, but the Queen seemed resolute and he trusted her judgement, he would help the young Prince as much as he could. With that thought the advisor turned to Legolas;

"We await you command, My Lord Legolas."

Legolas looking a little unsure looked to his Mother for approval, he chided himself for being so childish, Lairiel simply smiled fondly, and expectantly looked upon her son. Straightening himself up he nodded resolutely at Arystor, this was not the time to be nervous, nor to show weakness. It was his responsibility to protect the people of this land - his people - and he would so to the best of his ability.

"Gather the guard, and double the lookouts on the outer perimeter, there will be unarmed civilians coming through the gates shortly...ensure they have adequate protection, if you have not already done so. And someone bring me my bow and long knives."

Legolas surprised himself at how authoritative he sounded, Arystor bowed and filtered out the orders. In an instant everyone was moving,

Legolas felt a new confidence growing in him, as he watched the small band disperse, he turned to his family. He patted Ellenya on the head and promised to check on her later, this satisfied the elfling who blew her brother a kiss goodbye. Turning to his Naneth, he hugged her and whispered a quiet, "Thank you," in her ear. Lairiel cradled her son's face with her hand;

"You are ready," she whispered back and let him go. Legolas strode off and disappeared into the organised chaos. Lairiel felt her stomach knot, she would not rest this night until she knew her husband and son were safe and returned to her.

Taking her daughter's hand, Lairiel made for the throne room, she would need to address her people soon and ensure enough food, water, and other necessary provisions were readily available. This could take most of the night and would be enough to keep her mind distracted and her hands busy.

She was sure her husband would have contested her decision to let Legolas take charge, he like any parent wanted to keep his son safe and out of harms way. However she knew her son and she hurt for him. Thranduil's words, though said only out of panic, hurt their child deeply. Legolas's every action was built on a desire to meet his father's approval, it was why he trained so hard and studied so hard, simply to show his Father he could be counted on. From Legolas was a nothing more than a little elfling he trailed after his Ada, hanging on his every word and imitating Thranduil's very behaviours.

Lairiel rolled her eyes at the memories and grinned to herself, hopefully if all went well this would be Legolas's chance to break his Adar's protective nature. For Lairiel knew that Thranduil was more than proud of his son, and she knew that he was aware - without a shadow of a doubt - that Legolas was ready to take on his duties as a warrior. He regularly boasted to all who would listen about both his children and Lairiel knew that it was only out of her husband's intense fear of losing any of them thar kept him so protective. After Oropher's death, Thranduil had vowed not to put any of his family at unnecessary risk, he would learn from his father's mistakes.

Lairiel sighed and placed a hand over her heart and whispered to the night air;

"But you cannot suffocate them either my love, we will not be able to protect them forever."

A/N: Guys thanks for the love! Hehe, it is so nostalgic for me to post this fic...reading it back it makes me giggle.

I'll try my best to vamp it up and add a few recognisable characters for the movie lovers.

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