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A very long time ago (too long) I was introduced to the world of Middle Earth, and the vast creativity of Professor Tolkien.

As a youth, with an extensive imagination, and a desire to escape the realms of normal, Arda soon became my mythical world of choice. I feel it was probably because it felt a lot like home, especially the North.

Many of you that know me well enough by now know that it is the Silvan, and in particular the ElvenKing, that I like to write about. This is mostly to do with the affinity I feel toward that character, the romantic almost mythical nature of Greenwood , and their position in the world of Arda.

When I was thirteen I travelled to South Africa with family. The safari was truly one of the most freeing experiences of my life and I was left utterly grounded in nature from those few weeks spent out in the wild. It was then that I thought up and doodled the idea of 'The Last Queen' and its sequel 'A Greater Destiny'.

Yes...well over a decade ago I wrote the bones of this story.

Fast forward to winter of 2012 and the explosion of The Hobbit fandom had occurred.

I remember lopping down a crammed pavement in Times Square, NYC, and staring up at this giant billboard with all the dwarves. I got an excited bubble in my tummy...finally I'd meet the ElvenKing!

On my return from that trip I got out all my old doodles and story ideas, and devoured all the hype surrounding the oncoming trilogy. I had not wrote anything since a serious trauma in my life, but fanfiction felt doable - less daunting - I could use it to truly escape.

So I worked on finishing The Last Queen, and with this edition I was free to add new details from the hobbit, and learn incorporate some of the helpful array of images now created by Peter Jackson and his team.

I still stock to the original plot of that first basic story but with my own flare of imagination, detail, and original grasp of character.   It is a slightly AU story, but then again,  if a fanfic isn't slightly AU then your missing the point of the freedom of imagination and story-telling.

'The Last Queen' is very dear and special to me, and as immature as it is now in comparison to my more modern writings, I still hold it in high esteem.  Without it I would never have returned to my first love - story-telling.

I hope you enjoy the short tale, and I hope it touches your heart, as it did for me. 

Lots of love and blessings, CJ.

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