15. Endure

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In the early grey light of dawn the rain began to fall heavily, its rhythmic thrumming creating a quietening effect on the Greenwood kingdom. Its people rose to the gloomy dawn with apprehension, it had been just over three months since they lost their Queen, and in that time they had not laid eyes on their ever present King. He did not walk among them, he did not feast with them, the Greenwood elves began to fear that in his spirit the King had begun to fade, and with this knowledge the people despaired. If the King did not endure, if his powers waned, they would be left vulnerable, leaderless and alone to face the darkening world.

However, the elves remained hopeful, they had faith in the wisdom of the Valar, so they prayed and they sang daily, holding on to the hope their home would be restored, and their King would rise up and protect them.

Today was no different than any other and the elves rose and went about their routines. Many ellyn and some strong ellith worked on restoring the physical kingdom, strengthening the borders, fixing what could be salvaged from the sacking of the Kings Halls. Much of the damage was only on the outer structures, in the struggle some of the inner halls had been breached, but with willing hands the Kingdom looked almost untouched.

The remainder on the other hand, prayed and sang endlessly, pouring their emotions into their words. The woods rang with the sound of their painful yet hauntingly beautiful voices. At night the Kings Halls were aglow with tiny lights, as civilians took turns in holding vigils for the Monarch's daughter, nothing brought them more sadness than the evil that had taken grip on such an elfling. They wished for nothing more than her full healing and would not cease hoping for it.

So on this grey dawn, as the people extinguished what was left of the burning candles and returned to their duties; they were startled by the clear, sharp, sound of the horns, announcing the messenger of the King.

The people gathered in the outer courtyard, some full of hope, others full of despair, for they had become accustomed to grave tidings, and they waited patiently with curious eyes.

To their surprise, it was Lord Elrond of Imladris who accompanied Lord Arystor to address the people. What news could the great elf have for them, did his presence mean their fears had been realised and the King was no longer with them? Fearfully they watched and waited as Arystor introduced the Noble elf to them.

The elf lord cleared his throat and with a sad smile he began to address the people of Greenwood;

"I come bearing news from the King, he is well and extends his heartfelt gratitude, for he has found great solace and comfort in your prayers and healing words. He wishes you all to know that his prolonged absence from his duties has come to an end, and is grateful for the time and great patience the people of Greenwood have shown him in this most difficult of circumstances," Elrond paused momentarily and believed he could feel the physical relief flow from the elves of Greenwood.

"To mark the passing of the Woodland's Beloved Queen, an official, burial ceremony will be held at noon, at the site of Queen Lairiel's chosen resting place within the royal gardens. King Thranduil wishes to extend to you the invitation to join him, in the remembrance of the last Queen of Greenwood," Lord Elrond gave a small bow and exited the gathering, leaving Arystor to begin preparations with the elven people, and returned to the throne room to await Thranduil's arrival.


Ellenya sat, perched on her Adar's lap eyeing the unappetising bowl of porridge with a mixture of disgust and dread. Thranduil sat with his chin resting on his fist, slowly shaking his head, his daughter had not ate anything, at least not since she had been with him. Sighing he rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose;

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