10. On the Edge of a Knife

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"Let me go, I have to help her, Just LET ME GO!"

With another crash, two elven guards forcefully tried to restrain the King's son. The elves had succeeded only in wrecking another table, as the instruments, books, and jars tumbled to the ground in a scattering motion. Legolas struggled violently with his captors, wild eyed and straining like an ox, he swung his feet and fists at the innocent guards with little care as to if they connected or not.

"Legolas, listen...you are going to hurt yourself further," Torwen, the head healer and medic of the Woodland realm, tried to soothe the possessed prince. Torwen was a patient elleth, hair the colour of hazelnut and a kindly face, she was renowned for her healing touch, but on this day she fretted. She fretted because Legolas was intent on breaking her entire treatment space in his bid for freedom - the young ellon wanted free to go back to his Naneth. At this point all Torwen could guess was the Queen had been wounded badly, she had already sent a search party sparing two of her finest apprentices.

"Torwen!" Legolas roared, "I swear, if you do not call off these guards, I will...I will..."

"What? Legolas, what will you do? You are not fit to walk, now please stop child, we have sent all who we can spare to your Naneth, you need to let me care for you!" Torwen shouted, at the raging elf.

She had already appraised the prince, with her skilled eyes, he had been in close battle, several scratches on his face and hands, and a ghastly looking bruise was already forming across his swollen lip and cheekbone -  this gave evidence to that.  Although, these things were unimportant they would be healing quickly, gone by the days end. It was the long slash, running down the length of the prince's upper right arm that gave the healer concern, and he limped, quite an exaggerated limp, she was certain there would be some injury to the ellon's left knee, but he would need to sit still, at least long enough for her to check - which he was clearly reluctant to do.

Legolas lunged forward again, the two exasperated and weary guards pushed him back. Truly they were in shock, the ellon should not still be challenging them, anyone lesser would have gave into exhaustion within moments, but this had been going on for a solid half of an hour. They had to hand it to the prince, he was a born fighter, and silently they reckoned they would cave into exhaustion first before he did.

The prince yelped in pain, when one of the elves decidedly having had enough, blocked his knee. Legolas glared angrily at the elf guard, who instantly regretted the move. With one swift movement he punched the guard in the gut, his fellow companion tackled the prince again, managing to temporarily restrain his arms, "My Lord, please, stop, we are not your enemies, we are trying to help you," gasped the guard, as Legolas flung a slew of insults at them.

Torwen having heard enough and acutely concerned for the young royal, strode across the room and retrieved a small vile of clear liquid. It was a last resort, she was not keen to use it, but the prince was going to either give himself an aneurysm or bludgeon a guard to an inch of his life. Fixing a serene and soothing look on her face the elleth braved the elf prince.

"Legolas, I am so very sorry, I did not want to do this and I am sure I will get in trouble for it later, but you need cared for," Torwen said as gently as she could, Legolas stopped his struggling momentarily and glared at the healer that held him captive, he opened his mouth to protest.


Torwen seized her moment and emptied the contents of the vile into the ellon's mouth, slapping her hand across it before he spluttered all the liquid out. He just had to swallow a drop. The prince stared in shock as he tried to repel the water from his mouth, when the elleth let go, he chocked violently and staggered drunkenly, fixing her with a pair of accusing eyes.

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