14. Save Me

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Legolas sat in his Adar's study, methodically running his fingers along the smoothness of the walnut desk tracing the shape of the grain; it was quite calming to his troubled mind. He had been given 'homework' as such from Lord Celeborn, and beside him was stacked a pile of dusty old books. Not one had yet to be opened. His orders were to familiarise himself with the customs and traditions of his ancestors, it was a prince's duty to uphold the ancient ways of their people, frankly Legolas would have enjoyed jabbing his own eyeballs out more than this.

Lord Celeborn had turned a strange colour when Legolas had innocently informed him his Adar had preferred to raise his son in a more practical, tactile, manner. His mantra had always been that although books were useful and much knowledge could be gained from them, wisdom came from experiencing life, learning through error and improving on each victory;

'Knowing one's history and lineage only serves one purpose, to remind oneself of all the factors and events that have led them to this place. Knowing this is only useful if you learn from it, history cannot repeat itself, if it does then you are not wise and have let the past rule your future.'

Legolas, relaying this to Celeborn, had only caused the elf Lord to snort in disbelief and landed the prince a heavy load of books to carry, with Celeborn tutting and reminding him that; "It is the domain of elves to be wise in history, in lore, and in the arts. You are an ambassador of your Adar's realm, you must embody these things, if you wish to be taken seriously as a Prince of elves."

So Legolas had stolen away to his Adar's study, under the guise of taking his role very seriously, but secretly he just wanted some peace and quiet. He was beginning to dislike his title of 'prince' it seemed to mean different things to different people, and it was news to him that he had to be so boring. To his young mind, Legolas felt that there would be a time in his life were he would want to enjoy more pleasant past times, like reading every book in the Greenwood archives, or learning to be musical, or design beautiful things. However this was not on his agenda at present, nor did it interest him in the slightest, he was a warrior, his art was in combat and his craft was his deadly shot.

He was feeling vengeful and with his Naneth's cruel murder fresh in him mind, Legolas had sworn to himself that he would not let history repeat itself, not for his people at least. It was very clear in his mind that his duty was to fight harder, learn quicker, and protect what was good and innocent in this world, to whatever cost. Glorfindel had told him his Naneth had given her life so he could have his, well if this was the case he would make sure with his life he would defend what she loved, and she loved all the wild natural earth - so that would be his cause.

"You best be careful young prince, if the wind changes, your face could stay like that."

Legolas started at the sound of an elleth's voice, he looked up to find Torwen peeking in through the door. Legolas smiled wrly and motioned for the healer to enter, but she paused at the door, that was only slightly open.

"My Lord, someone wishes to see you, would you be feeling up to having a visitor?" Torwen asked, and tried to hide a smile as the King's son scowled and then shot her a pleading look.

"If it is Lord Celeborn can you not tell him I have to rest, as part of your medical advice?" The young prince cried.

Torwen chuckled and shook her head, "Tis not Celeborn young one, it is someone much more delightful, who has been asking incessantly for you."

Legolas tilted his head to the side with a quizzical expression; he was just about to ask who? When two misty, blue, eyes, peered around the door;

"Legolas, are you in here?" The elfling's voice was full of impatience, and Torwen tried to put her hand out to stop the youngster from pushing the door open, she failed of course, Ellenya was too quick. Legolas jumped to his feet at the sound of his little sister's voice, she was here, she was talking, she was well, and it was all music to his ears.  Eventually some good was to be found.

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