11. Guilt

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Lord Elrond of Imladris sat upon his dark stallion observing the King's Halls, from a reasonable distance. The highly fortified inner sanctum of the Woodland realm radiated an air of deep melancholy. It's usually enchanting aura was veiled, hidden under a smog of pain and desolation. The elven lord frowned - an outward sign of the Woodland King's tortured spirit.

"Elrond, it is safe to proceed...come we should not tarry in the open."

Elrond nodded thanks to the fair, golden, elf standing before him;

"My thanks Glorfindel, I was just observing the King's Halls...they are not as welcoming as I would have hoped," Elrond gave the elven noble a small smile and urged his stead forward into a gentle trot.

Glorfindel mounted his beautiful, grey, horse and came up beside Lord Elrond, as they made their way towards the King's gate.

"No, I fear there is much evil to be found here," Glorfindel sighed, but cocked his head at his friend; "though nothing your skill cannot set right, I am sure."

Elrond grimaced; "I am touched by the faith you have in me friend."

The two elven lords approached the high gate, and were met by two wary silvan guards. They bowed nonetheless, for they knew the nobility that stood before them.

"Good eve my friends, the Lord Elrond and I have been summoned fourth to bring aid to the King, may we enter his halls?" Glorfindel offered the elves a kindly smile, he did not begrudge their wary glances after all they had been through.

The two guards looked to each other before one stepped forward, keeping his eyes downcast he addressed the nobility before him;

"My Lords you are welcome, but I must warn you the King himself did not send for aid, his own orders were to seal the gates and refuse entry to any traveller. His Majesty is not best pleased with the actions of Lord Arystor and Captain Feren."

Elrond dismounted his animal and made towards the silvan guards, his calming nature seemed to alleviate the wood elves uncertainty; "Please do not fret, I come only in the interest of the King's daughter. His majesty cannot find fault with that," Elrond added with a gentle smile.

The guards nodded in agreement and motioned for the gates to be opened. Elrond turned his head and nodded to Glorfindel, who had already flicked the reigns of his horse and turned away from the gate;

"Bring my entourage of healers through Glorfindel," Elrond ordered, as the high elf made for the clearing from whence they came, were the Rivendell healers were guarded by Arystor and his company. Elrond turned back to the guards before him; "Lord Arystor will be with you shortly, I can trust that you will escort my small set of skilled medics to the healing chambers to assist the Lady Torwen?"

The guards nodded and summoned for a young ellon to assist the noble Lord with his horse, and show him into the halls. Elrond gladly accepted the hospitality and followed a step behind the trainee warrior, as they moved through the intricate underground tunnels. Elrond, feeling the unease about these usually reclusive people, questioned the young elf;

"I assume Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel have been informed of the recent events?"

The young elf glanced at the elf Lord in surprise, "My Lord Elrond, Lord Celeborn is already here - he arrived less than two days ago, with his guard, to assist in the protection of the Woodland borders."

This brought an encouraging smile to the elf Lord's lips. "Well now that is good news, Lord Celeborn has come swiftly to the King's aid. I am impressed, Lorien people do not often leave their homeland."

The ellon just nodded, "Tis a good thing my Lord, our people have been badly wounded, we would not have the strength to withstand another attack without them, we are very grateful for our allies."

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