12. In Loving Memory

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*200 years previous*

NANA! Watch this!"

Lairiel sat on a grassy bank watching her young son launch about on the opposite bank - wooden sword in hand, somersaulting off trees and gracefully wreaking havoc on her wild flowers. She laughed heartily and clapped her hands in approval.

"Bravo little leaf, well done!" she called as her bright eyes sparkled with glee.

Legolas spun on his little heels, and with a mischievous smirk, scaled a tree that overhung the small river that wove through his Naneth's gardens. With the speed and grace of a wild cat, the elfling tiptoed across the overhanging branch right to its end, then leapt high into the air so he came down with a crash in the water. The force successfully spraying droplets over the Queen, who shrieked as the cold water splashed her.

"Legolas!" She cried and jumped to her feet, using the hem of her skirt to dry the excess water from her face as the elfling roared with excited laughter. Dropping her hems, she placed her hands on her hips and scowled playfully at her son;

"Right then, if that is how you wish to play, then we shall see who has the last laugh!"

Lairiel pounced in after her son, much to the shock of Legolas who shrieked and ducked. Mother and son crashed about the crystal water in their pretend war, until Lairiel had her elfling in her arms, as she tickled him relentlessly. Her elfling was pink and gasping out infectious little giggles by the time she was through;

"Do you yield brave warrior?" Lairiel teased.

"Never!" Roared the elfling and he made a break for freedom, but Lairiel held on, causing the two to crash in a heap on the bank of the river.

Lairiel rolled onto her back, laughing and gasping for air all at the same time. She was spent, she had never considered raising a son would be so arduous - he truly was a bundle of constant energy. At that thought two shining blue orbs appeared above Lairiel, accompanied with the delighted grin of a very smug elfling;

"I win!" Legolas chirped and flopped onto his Nana's belly.

"Oaf! Legolas, I think you have been having too many honey cakes, you are getting heavy," Lairiel complained.

Her son scowled sweetly, "I am not! It is muscle, Ada says so," Legolas flexed his arms and added a growl for effect, making Lairiel burst into fits of laughter...much to the disgruntlement of the elfling, "Yes my darling, yes of course you are!" she sniggered as she wrapped her arms around her son pulling him down to the ground beside her, he rolled onto his belly and began tugging on a strand of her hair.

"I love you Nana," Legolas said matter of factly, Lairiel smiled adoringly.

"I love you too, always and forever."

The elfling stared pensively at his Mother, "Forever, forever? Even when I am older and grumpy like Ada?"

Lairiel laughed, "Your Ada is not grumpy!" she corrected her son, the elflings eyes widened accusingly;

"Yes he is, you said so, you said Ada was a grumpy old toad last night when he did not play hide and seek with us!"

Lairiel chuckled, her son was sharp as a pin, missing nothing, "Now Legolas, sometimes Nana say's things she does not mean - for instance last night - your Ada is not grumpy, at least not all of the time. You know it is very difficult being the King my darling, your Ada works very hard to keep you safe" .

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