After bumping into that arrogant girl I checked my phone It was Tina's message "HI! We are here ,waiting for you in reception area and I called Jake to come with us he wanted to be part of it and he had something on market thing.hope so it's okay !"
"Yes! Its good he is the marketing manager so it will be good if he is here and wait there am on my way to reception."I replied to her text and started walking towards the reception area .
I met up with my team ,discussed each and every thing about the meeting, withing ten minutes the same receptionist girl came forward and told us that meeting will be starting now and she led us towards the meeting room.
Two ladies were already present there one Emily the owner ,second Maggie the senior designer. No doubt Emily was a nice lady with emerald eyes,black hair which were pulled up in a bun ,she was the only one without the specific dress that every other employee was wearing may be that was the uniform of Emily's fashion hub ,she was wearing makeup but in an elegant way not like that reception girl .Talking about that girl she was Rose ,Emily's secretary. Afterwards , I introduce my whole team and we were asked to settle down on seats. Emily asked Rose to call Elena so that we all can proceed with the meeting . Elena ! who is that ?
Within ,five minutes Rose was back with a girl I couldn't see her because Rose was in my sight and that she was standing behind her .Emily introduce her to us it was Elena the marketing manger and Emily signaled her to sit besides her on the seat which was in front of me.Meanwhile ,Tina asked me look at the document she sent me on my Email .After reviewing the document I looked up and I was shocked shit! what she is doing here .This arrogant girl how am gonna bare her in front of me.She was looking at me with her eyes wide open like her eyes gonna come out and will start to roll on the table.Emily saw both of us staring at each other so she told Elena that I was the owner of APLEX manufacturer and she looked at like she is telling me YOU LIKE OWNER NO WAY ! But I decided to ignore her .
Everything was going perfectly,my team was doing a great job explaining every point and Emily and Maggie were really showing their interest into this but Elena was silent , there something bad hidden in her silence like she was planing something and Finally she speaks when I was talking to Emily about the funds we will give them.
"Mister Jason you want to expand your business but you neither have the audited Financial statements and nor you have internal audit department.So, how can we access whether we can rely on you or not and you are talking about the loan how can we be sure that it will not liquidate you ? " She asked me a direct question with full confidence and these words just stroke me really bad like from where did she came up with this point and I never thought about the audit department and I was just looking at her blankly because I didn't know what to say Damn ! .
I regained myself and tried to reason with them But Elena, she had thrown the strong ball into the court .Then I decided to leave because there was nothing left for now to discuss I signaled my team and got up ,Refused the tea offer from Emily until next time when I will show them audited statements.
At that time my anger was at 100 degree,My eyes were focused on Elena and she was looking at me Those ...no it can't be ,forget it Jason she just ruined your meeting.I just walked out of the office building without knowing whether my team is behind me or not I opened my car door and drove the car towards my office like crazy and I reached my office within 10 minutes however,it was 20 minutes drive from Emily's fashion hub.
I was walking fiercely towards my office cabin and I Tina's number "I need you three in my office within five " I just said and hung up before she could say anything.
WTH! that crazy women how dare her to ruin my meeting I want this expansion so badly ,I so wanna murder her right now .This is bullshit just bullshit .I was pacing my room when Tina,Tom and Jake entered my room after knocking on the door.
"You guys see what has happened today,I felt so defeated by that lady .why you guys didn't tell me the need of audit ,its important even they have it and I don't have that in my company .Now,there's no need of thinking why we don't have that It's time to have that .....Tina Just call the outsource company for the team of auditors,ask them to take their time and prepare the audited statements for last six months."I ordered Tina and she just left my room to perform what I asked her to .
Tom and Jake were looking at me like I was a crazy guy and I felt the same that I was actually acting crazy .....

That one moment...
Romance'What's her problem everytime she come infront me just make me so angry .aghhh screw her! ' Jason Clarke thought to himself. The story of twists ,turns and connection between two people who hate each other .Fate bring them together in such a way th...