Jason Clarke
" HEY! " A sudden sound interrupted my thoughts and bought me back to the reality .It was no one else but Helena.
" Hi ! You done with eating ? " I asked her .
" Yes! So are you going to tell me what is it ? I know its not only the meeting thing that has disturbed you but there is something else going on with you .." She questioned me while giving me a cup of coffee.I just looked at her with surprised expressions and she understood that am asking how did you know that ?
" You know I was a mother before Megan was born ." She said smiling at me and she was right about it she was kind of mother to me after mom died.
" You always get me ! " I replied smiling at her and she just smiled back at me .
" So speak up now! Come on ! "
" Umm.... Remember that coffee shop girl I told you about ? " I questioned her noticing her expressions.
" Of course I do .What about her ? Did you find her ? " She got all excited after hearing the coffee shop girl.
" NO! it's just I am seeing her in my dreams after all these years .I don't understand why ? why after all these years she is coming in my dreams and the worst case is in my last dream I saw her in Elena's face the girl who ruined my deal."
" Wait what ? really she is coming to your dreams? and above all You saw her in Elena's face...." She sipped her coffee and thought for a second.
" When this dreams scene started ? "" Day before the meeting... why ? " I asked her all confused.
" Don't you think there might be a some connection to Elena like may be her sister is the girl ..."she suggested .
" Oh yeah I didn't thought of it ..may be she has a sister or a cousin ...yeah I just have to figure this out may be she is the connection to that MISS ANONYMOUS ! " I was bit relived with the thought of this possible reason." And don't worry you never know where will you find her again this world is small if she is destined to you she will automatically come to you by any means you just have a little faith." She said while holding me hand.
" Thank you so much for putting faith in me always and making me feel light.This coffee is awesome and you are the best sister and mother ." I said while hugging her." Ahh thank you for praising me but I know that already ." She winked and we both started laughing.
After talking to Helena I played with Megan and helped her in opening her gifts. She loved all the gifts but she was excited to see the big ball in one of the gifts and good thing was that Dad wrote my name on that gift so eventually Megan thought that I bought that for her which made me so happy because she was running with that ball in her little cute hands and shouting to everybody;
"Jasi gave me balli ! Jasi gave me balli ! "After shouting to everyone she grabbed me towards the garden and herself stood on the other side of the garden and started shouting.
" Pash the balli Jasi!" I passed the ball,she kicked the ball and fall down but besides crying she started laughing.I hold her my arms and laughed with her .she was looking so adorable while laughing and her eyes were shinning like a star .I wish she get every happiness in her life ....Meanwhile,my phone buzzed it was a text from Tina ;
" Boss I have contacted the outsourcing company luckily six of their employees were free so they will start audit work from tomorrow and Megan has received some C.V's from certain people related to auditee job ." That's the big relief .
It was 8 p.m and we all had dinner made by Helena and Adam ,their special meat loaf with mashed potatoes and garlic bread .Dad and I just loved the food every spice was in a correct quantity ,taste was beautifully handled overall look of the food was mesmerizing.Whenever Helena and Adam cooked the outcome product is always delicious.IT's great to have a cooking partner ...
Elena Johnson
" Breakfast Is ready come downstairs you two." I heard mom calling us downstairs.
" Come Jessica lets have some breakfast ." I said while opening the door and Jessica just followed me downstairs .
" HEY! Louis how are you ? Look you have grown all big." Jessica greeted Louis as soon as she saw him sitting in the living room .
" HI ! Jessica after a long time .It's good to see you here .hope so you are doing great these days." Louis greeted Jessica with a broad smile on his face .God I saw him smiling after a long time .
" Yeah Six years is a long time and yes am doing great ." Jessica replied while putting pancake in her plate which mom made today with blueberry sauce.I love pancakes in breakfast and I remember how dad used to love them too.
Louis and Jessica were recalling all the childhood memories how we used to bunk classes in school ,how we three used to play hide and seek and specially that time when me and Jessica were being scolded so many times for breaking the things in house which actually Louis did but he used to hide himself .That time was really fun and memorable .
After breakfast mom went to market ,Louis and Jessica were in living room and I went inside the kitchen to make some coffee for me and Jessica.I was on my way to living room when I heard Louis talking;
" Look Elena is the only reason that dad is not here with us today and I have no doubt on that and Jessica YOU are like a elder sister to me and I respect but It's a family matter so it's better you should not talk about it ." Louis said in a firm tone to Jessica in a meanwhile I reached the living room when Louis saw me he stood up;
" It's better you stop sending your lawyers to prove you innocence ." He blurted out loud and walked past me.
"I am sorry Elena I just tried to talk to him about your dad but he just got angry ." Jessica pleaded.
" IT's okay Jessica and am sorry about his misbehave .You please don't talk to mom or Louis about this matter please .You are here for one month and we will spend as much time as we can together it's the only way you can help me ." I said while giving her cup of coffee .
" BUT how the things are going to be better ? "
" I believe time is the best healer so time will heal everything .I have waited for things to be better so I can wait more ." I smiled making her believe that I am okay.
" ALL the things around you are so negative how could you be so positive and calm." She asked me .
" It's the only thing which is keeping me alive and moving on with the reality .Positivity is the only thing which can beat negativity ." I gave her the best smile I could at that moment..

That one moment...
Romance'What's her problem everytime she come infront me just make me so angry .aghhh screw her! ' Jason Clarke thought to himself. The story of twists ,turns and connection between two people who hate each other .Fate bring them together in such a way th...